Banning conservatives: your colleges at work

Unfortunately there are tons of younger people who haven't an idea of our constitution. .

Schools don't teach "civics" anymore. When I was a kid, we got American history that focused for almost an entire semester on the Colonial period up to the Constitutional convention, and you had to know about the Articles of Confederacy, the Constitutional Convention and the Bill of Rights.

Nowadays, of course, schools probably just don't have enough time.
Schools don't teach "civics" anymore. When I was a kid, we got American history that focused for almost an entire semester on the Colonial period up to the Constitutional convention, and you had to know about the Articles of Confederacy, the Constitutional Convention and the Bill of Rights.

Nowadays, of course, schools probably just don't have enough time

Too many tests...and not about stuff they learned, nope, those standardised test....
The lack of quality in education is something we've talked about before but the decline is something very real.

Over here in Britain, there are a number of stand-out historical 'high-spots' that everyone should know (akin to American's knowing about their own Constitution).

Everyone should know about (pulling some thngs out of the hat as my memory serves them up) Canute, Alfred the Great, 1066, Magna Carta, Henry V, Elizabeth I, Henry VIII, War of the Roses, Peasant's Revolt, Lady Jane Grey, Cromwell, East India Company, Jutland, Churchill, Battle of Britain ...

... I could go on but that's just a grab bag that occurred to me right now. Most school-age kids might know about a couple of those but I wouldn't bet on it as hardly any knew even what the Battle of Britain was when surveyed a few years ago!
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Bill, you obviously never watched the Man Show bit where plenty of women happily sign a petition to "End Women's Suffrage." I can't find the video or I would link it.

People will sign damn near anything.
I am a leftist, but I wouldn't sign such a thing. I think conservatives should have a right to say whass on their mind as well as we do. Now obviously I don't think they should be allowed to deceive or falsy advertise as being something they are not to deceive (look up Crisis Pregnancy Center) or saying untrue facts (a pro life group at our university tried to give out brochures and one of the things on it were that rape is rare - no joke, i was on student council at the time and i questioned that and they said Oops, a typo, we meant very few abortions are done because of rape and I said well ya think you would have corrected that and I never believed it was a mistake, they just said that and obviously they couldnt distribute those)

But just saying whats on their inds - they can fill their boots. :)
Sukerkin, How could you forget the Beatles. they must really be falling behind in teaching the classics in British schools.