Average price for instruction

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Originally posted by Goldendragon7

That is sad! Denver is sooooooo in need a several good Kenpo studios!!


I'm gonna work on this one........ I'll be that much closer to Farmer and still above Castillo! :rofl:

I will catch you, Lord Kenpoder, and then it will be all over for you!!:soapbox:
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

That is sad! Denver is sooooooo in need a several good Kenpo studios!!


I'm gonna work on this one........ I'll be that much closer to Farmer and still above Castillo! :rofl:

:D :D :D :D I hope so!!

I wouldn't know one if it jumped up and bit me on the butt :rofl:

Do you have any guidelines for picking out a good location?

Originally posted by Klondike93

I wouldn't know one if it jumped up and bit me on the butt :rofl:

Do you have any guidelines for picking out a good location?


Look for the Golden Arches, Mc Donalds pays millions every year doing market research for locations, let them do the work for you.
Originally posted by Rob_Broad

Look for the Golden Arches, Mc Donalds pays millions every year doing market research for locations, let them do the work for you.

Fantastic Idea!
You are of course assuming that what a McDonalds looks for is the same thing that a karate studio needs. I don't really think I want to place my studio on a freeway offramp.

Sorta brings a new meaning to the word "McDojo."


PS It is true that McDonalds does have the best socio-economic database in the world.
that's not entirely true..... One of my students back in Virginia just moved his studio and was 2 doors down from McDonalds. While it is a good idea to be close to a local icon..... paying 6K a month was just too much of a nut to crack. You have to have a minimun of 150 paying students at all times to be in the ball game....... Well 5 years and what amounts to a brand new Mercades down the tubes it didn't look so great. There is a little bit more than site.

You guys are correct, there is more than just being near the Golden Arches to ensure success. I was told you should be able to see a Mc Donalds from your location but should never be in its shadow. What this means is the farther you are form the
Mc Donalds the cheaper the rent will be, a few blocks away is a great location. You also have to look at allowable signage, the lease options in the area, the saturation of martial arts school in the market, and how well the martial arts are percieved in the area. That is the short list if you want more info contact me directly.
I enjoy helping people especially if they will help stomp out the evil Mc Dojo.
the dojo I attend is $15 a week, $50 reg. fee, pay weekly, five nights a week, hour each night. around here, that's pretty cheap and it keeps the lights on in the dojo. and there's a McDonald's down the road and that sure as hell doesn't bring in any business! all the people around here are lazy! they wish not to do anything that requires breaking a sweat, especially any of my friends that I've tried to conived...er..politely ask to try it out.

but that's it for fees, we had to buy sparring gear and a gi, but...that's kind of understood to participate in a dojo...er...at least I think it would be.
I owuld have thought so too, but you would be surorised at how many people are shocked that they need safety equipment for Karate*Gasp*:shrug:
Originally posted by Seig

I owuld have thought so too, but you would be surorised at how many people are shocked that they need safety equipment for Karate*Gasp*:shrug:

Even more so. Sometimes I think I live in a Third World Country. Many people don't know what Kenpo is, and have never heard of SGM Parker. A sad commenatry for our country.:confused:

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