Average price for instruction

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Not so bad considering i usually spend a minimum of 12-16 hours per month trainining in the school with the instructors, plus im in the silicon valley, one of the most expensive regions in the country.
Wow Nate,
I know that Silicon Valley is expensive and everything but man. That sucks. How much do you pay for your housing?

The fees at our school are not bad at all. When I signed up 5 years ago, I payed $60 a month. That included: 1 private lesson a week, I believe three group classes at night. and 3 group classes in early afternoon. You could also come in anytime and work out. With me signing my contract 5 years ago I am still locked in at that price. I believe it is around $80 a month now. With the same type of package.

When I first started I trained 4-5 days a week usually 2 hours a night, about 30 hours a month. Now I train 3 nights a week, 3 hours a night for a total of 36-40 hours a month.

My housing runs around $1800 per month before all the bills the $1800 is just for rent.
:erg: really? $1800? I could've paid mortgage with that and more...that is if I had a house:D

We actually rent a small house that is owned by my parents, and if you think thats bad if my parents hadnt rented the house to us they were going to jack up the rent on our old place to $2400 per month, that would have been for a 900 sq ft. apartment, were in a 1200 sq ft house now, for the same price we were paying before, rent is insane here man, coming down a bit recently, i know for a few months there the silicon valley actually cost more than New York city in terms of apartment rent.
I pay $30 a month for two classes per week 1 1/2 hour each. This is in Hawaii.
As an average across the country..... you will find that most studios will charge between $30 to $100.00 per month depending where you are located. California has the most expensive that I have seen. The Average is about $ 75.00 a month.

I teach privately for $ 25.00 per session (usually one hour or a little more) and give a discount for groups such as a family that works out together.

Instructors from Studios I charge $ 50.00 per session.

Of course, if they are members of my organization then I have graduated and reduced rates.

I looked at other schools around, the TKD school wanted $125 per month for 3 groups per week 1 hour each. considering what i can get out of my kenpo money i dont think its that bad; all the places around here are pretty expensive, theres a huge military base nearby so alot of people train in martial arts, goes back to the whole supply and demand thing, my school is usually relatively full, we interview everyone and not everyone gets in, I was lucky enough to sign up right when the lead instructor lost one of his students, he just got his 3rd dan, and actually taught most of the instructing black belts that also teach there, they are all fine instructors, they've filled in for a lesson or 2 from time to time, but my instructors extra years of experience definitely make a difference.

Eighteen...HUNDRED...dollars! Ye gods, man! We're renting a 3 bed/2 bath house for under $600/month. That's it...I'm not moving out of Florida.

Gou... You're the Dog. Not the Man. LOL

Me paracticing reverse abdominal breathing -> :fart: <- Gou Ronin
I study Villari's style of Shaolin Kempo (Pauses to let the groans and hisses subside...)
I pay $70 a month, got my gi free, get five lessons a week, hour each time.
This is actually cheaper than lot of dojos in the area for various arts... (which, incidentally, I am free to study at at any time, they encourage us to seek any type of instruction we please) Most studios around here are a "karate school" that teaches Tae Kwon Do, or disappear in a few months, or are only open one night a week.
As a working mom that has to hire sitters while I take my workout, I need considerably more time away from the kids than one hour a week...
Which school do you attend? I used to go to the LaCrescenta School.


Billy Lear
Originally posted by Goldendragon7
Man, I'm undercharging ........ Im gonna start a new rate immediately!

Thats exacly what my insructor said after i told him the prices i saw on here. :soapbox: