Augustine Fong - Siu Nim Tao

But there's the rub, Nabakatsu. How can there be one best way for everyone when we all have different body types, different physical strengths and deficits, different mentalities, different learning styles, and different personalities. What works well for one, may not work at all for another. From what folks say, even Grandmaster Ip recognized this when he taught. Most of us agree on what makes good WC/WT at the core, but beyond that?

A little different view: Ip Man did teach different aspects of wing chun to different people... but he had IMO an integrated view of wing chun himself.

Different views arise from 1. differences in training time including length and quality 2. people adding their own interpretations- well known differences in class notes
even in the same class.

Even now with so much proliferation of under prepared wing chun teachers-the differences seem to be widening. Also people often take the easy way out-
taking nearby instruction whereas better instruction could be further away.... insufficient "searching".

A little different view: Ip Man did teach different aspects of wing chun to different people... but he had IMO an integrated view of wing chun himself.

Different views arise from 1. differences in training time including length and quality 2. people adding their own interpretations- well known differences in class notes
even in the same class.

Even now with so much proliferation of under prepared wing chun teachers-the differences seem to be widening. Also people often take the easy way out-
taking nearby instruction whereas better instruction could be further away.... insufficient "searching".

In this WC is not unlike many academic disciplines in which even the recognized leaders in a given field differ strongly in their opinions. And then there are a great many more who see themselves as experts, but are not even schooled in the basics well enough to distinguish between what is sound and what is rubbish. I like to think that I'm a little better off than these benighted "internet warriors" since, at the very least, I'm aware of my ignorance!
I think wing chun should retain it's self exploratory nature, there should be some openness to how one chooses to express themselves, so that they can be as efficient as possible, among other less martial reasons. That being said, I think there should be several set cores, covering personality, and physical ability, ect ect, that each new student should fit into more than others.. Seems like a lot of potential work, and there are bound to be different/same issues as to the more traditional method of training... but yeah. Maybe it would just change your focus on timing and tactics while still covering the other ground to make you a whole fighter... ideas?! :P

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