Attention Male USAT athletes :Dont bother

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Well then Cook at his worse still beat Steven. What does that say?

Hmmm...looked dumb but it worked. So I am still confused...why is it dumb if it worked? It just wasn't pretty? More interesting is that Steven saw him executing it several times, and finally fell for it. Are you saying that Steven didn't have enough sense to figure the technique out and finally fell for it?

Cook won by fluke knockout when Steven made a very strange ducking motion in a completely weird angle. It was not a great act of skill. There is no way you can make the claim that a falling double kick at barely waist level was some kind of brilliant maneuver. There is no way Cook could have thought ahead of time Steven would lean over that far.

For example, 2002 Winter Olympics, gold medal in short track speed skating goes to Australia's Steven Bradbury, who advanced past the quarterfinal after a disqualification by another competitor, advanced past the semi when half the field crashed, and took first in the final when everyone ahead of him crashed coming around the final turn. Yet my father who hates Apollo for some strange reason still claims Bradbury was exhibiting a fantastic display of skill and strategy, by remaining in dead last with no hope of finishing in medal position and waiting for a rare catastrophic crash he could not possibly predict.
Welcome to MT texkwondo. Where debates are and art unto themselves. Great way to start off, I say. Just jump into the deep end. My only request is that this not be your only topic of disscussion.

Heated debates make my work day go much faster.
Well first off let me remind you about the Tenets of TKD, I am somebody because I have earned that right base on how long I have been around PERIOD. My rank and tenue out does you so respect should be given no matter what, but than again you are young I would assume so maybe you just do not have any. Next the title of the thread isUSAT male athletes last time I looked Ms. Craig was not a male athlete. I only brought up Diana becaus eyou did, let try to remember that shall we. So if you feel the need tp talk about Ms.Craig please start a new thread.

Last why don't you address some of the other peole comment here, see I believe you do know me and this is just an personal attack because you do not like me. Who cares, certainly not me because like you said you are no-body remember.

Oh gosh, here comes the rank card. This is not the military, so I have no obligation to respect anyone's "rank". Its completely irrelevant and has no significance to your argument. Face facts, when you were patting yourself on the back counting how many stripes were on your belt, the Lopez's were winning World championships and Olympic gold medals.

I have never heard of you outside of this message board. I have never met you. I have no idea who you are, nor do I really care. I have nothing against you other than the completely ridiculous ideas you and others have been expressing around here.

Neither do I have a hard-on for the Lopez's. I personally do not like them at all. But to say that they only win because the US organization is stacking the deck in their favor, this is just uneducated dribble. They win because they are competing at a different level than anyone who they have gone up against so far at any national team trials. To think otherwise is simply a case of you not really being worthy of the prestige and respect you think you have earned.

Who knows, maybe this will be the year when one of them goes down. Maybe Terrence Jennings will pull off an upset and take out Mark. Or Maybe Andrew Oh will finally live up to his minor yet still unwarranted hype. But I can't seriously hold those expectations.
So now you will not listen to people who have been around in this art much longer than you? Wow...This sort of answers my first question about your Korean Master. Apparently he had no knowledge that carried weight in his assertions either. Tell me when you disagree with your seniors and your instructors do you often tell them this too?

Why would I continue training with someone whom I thought didn't know what they were talking about?
Terry, your argument has been nothing but personal attacks since the beginning. Right from the start it was, "Who are you, and how do you compare to me? Lets pull them out and compare sizes."

All you seem to want to do is talk about how great you are. Tell me, who are you? What have you done? So someone pinned a few stripes on your belt. Congrats man. Now tell me what are these accomplishments you keep boasting of?

Or do you actually want to discuss what is being discussed? The alleged stacking of the deck in favor of the Lopez's. I think you are hiding behind your rank because your real argument isn't actually going anywhere and has no substance.
Mark and Steven are great fighters but the USAT gives them every advantage.

Such as?

This is the point I am trying to get across. Everyone can keep talking about these vague notions of USAT giving them advantages, yet nobody can point out any specifics. Please, point me to the matches. Which ones?
Lets see I have only been in the Arts for 48 years way before any of the Lopezs was born? Funny Jean and all of them giv eme respect maybe just because I have earned it. I was around when the USTU was their and now they are gone. I will most likely still be here when the USAT goes under, who knows now a days. One thing I do know is you have no Martial Spirit what so ever and that is fine but to come in blazing like you know everything is just plan stupid inmy eyes. What have I done nothing but train for a lifetime run a successful school and produce winners. Next to that I am a nobody, but those that do know me know where and who I have trained with over the years.

I watched the Lopezs come up and have been a fan of theirs for years, like I said thay get favors most elites do. I and everyone who really understand how the USAT game is played knows. What I see from you is someone that lacks the true meaning of TKD. I hope you will find a place for all that bent up anger and find everlasting enlightment.
Terry, your argument has been nothing but personal attacks since the beginning. Right from the start it was, "Who are you, and how do you compare to me? Lets pull them out and compare sizes."

All you seem to want to do is talk about how great you are. Tell me, who are you? What have you done? So someone pinned a few stripes on your belt. Congrats man. Now tell me what are these accomplishments you keep boasting of?

Or do you actually want to discuss what is being discussed? The alleged stacking of the deck in favor of the Lopez's. I think you are hiding behind your rank because your real argument isn't actually going anywhere and has no substance.

Never once did I say I was great but since you did (Thank you), also I do not need to compare anything they belong to my wife and only her but once again (Thankyou). I believe you live in a small world away from what is reality, but that is just my opinion so please do not tell me I am nuts
, you see we all have opinions and that is what make this place go round and round so I enjoy a heated battle every once in a while, so it has been fun. Lets just say you and I do not agree on what has happen over the last few years.:asian:
Lets see I have only been in the Arts for 48 years way before any of the Lopezs was born? Funny Jean and all of them giv eme respect maybe just because I have earned it. I was around when the USTU was their and now they are gone. I will most likely still be here when the USAT goes under, who knows now a days. One thing I do know is you have no Martial Spirit what so ever and that is fine but to come in blazing like you know everything is just plan stupid inmy eyes. What have I done nothing but train for a lifetime run a successful school and produce winners. Next to that I am a nobody, but those that do know me know where and who I have trained with over the years.

I watched the Lopezs come up and have been a fan of theirs for years, like I said thay get favors most elites do. I and everyone who really understand how the USAT game is played knows. What I see from you is someone that lacks the true meaning of TKD. I hope you will find a place for all that bent up anger and find everlasting enlightment.

All that talk and still no evidence to back up your claims. When did these matches happen that show the Lopez's getting an undeserved placement on national team? You guys keep making these assertions, and I have heard them for years. You can't go to a competition anywhere without overhearing someone talking about how the Lopez's are getting a free ride. I am becoming quite annoyed with it.

Your personal credentials have no weight in your argument. I don't know why you don't understand that. Please, just point out the specifics of these freebies the Lopez's keep getting from the USAT.
Welcome to MT texkwondo. Where debates are and art unto themselves. Great way to start off, I say. Just jump into the deep end. My only request is that this not be your only topic of disscussion.

Heated debates make my work day go much faster.

I missed Jerry Springer today so this is a good sub for now also slow news. Probably my most extreme kick is sticking my foot in mouth up to the knew sometimes but I have lived long enough to deserve the right to have a senior moment?
All that talk and still no evidence to back up your claims. When did these matches happen that show the Lopez's getting an undeserved placement on national team? You guys keep making these assertions, and I have heard them for years. You can't go to a competition anywhere without overhearing someone talking about how the Lopez's are getting a free ride. I am becoming quite annoyed with it.

Your personal credentials have no weight in your argument. I don't know why you don't understand that. Please, just point out the specifics of these freebies the Lopez's keep getting from the USAT.

Wow you are becoming annoyed with it, now that is a shame do you also stay a wake at night thinking how you can stop people from having there opinion? My personal credentials have alot to do with it maybe just maybe I can see what you cannot. Also like I have said alot in here all elites get calls some other will not so there, agrue that point? Nobody has ever been giving anything everybody has always earned everything.

Like I said you win everybody is wrong your presence here have changed my mind I am forever in your debt. let me know how I can ever repay you for all the knowledge you have given me over the last two pages.
Wow you are becoming annoyed with it, now that is a shame do you also stay a wake at night thinking how you can stop people from having there opinion? My personal credentials have alot to do with it maybe just maybe I can see what you cannot. Also like I have said alot in here all elites get calls some other will not so there, agrue that point? Nobody has ever been giving anything everybody has always earned everything.

Like I said you win everybody is wrong your presence here have changed my mind I am forever in your debt. let me know how I can ever repay you for all the knowledge you have given me over the last two pages.

You still got nothing to back up your claims.
Such as?

This is the point I am trying to get across. Everyone can keep talking about these vague notions of USAT giving them advantages, yet nobody can point out any specifics. Please, point me to the matches. Which ones?

Many of Steven's fights with Rufus Hamon had questionable Kyungo's which interrupted the flow of the matches.

Mark's fight with Sokolov in the world team trials was marred with kyungo's for kicking low when Mark was jumping to avoid being hit. Sokolov won the US Open beating Juan Sanchez from Puerto Pico. He also beat the World Silver Medalist from Canada. He got more Kyungo's in 2 minutes fighting Mark than he got in 6 fights at the US Open.

By the way Mark was publicized by the USAT as going to fight @ the 2010 US Open. It opens the question why didn't he fight. I would say fear of losing in a very strong lightweight field.

Many of Mark's fights with Jason Han were very questionable.

When you have IR's from other countries they don't get the same kind of consideration.

Please keep the conversation polite and respectful. Please avoid personal attacks; attack the message not the poster.

Super Moderator
Cook won by fluke knockout when Steven made a very strange ducking motion in a completely weird angle. It was not a great act of skill. There is no way you can make the claim that a falling double kick at barely waist level was some kind of brilliant maneuver. There is no way Cook could have thought ahead of time Steven would lean over that far.

Again, you fail to see the point. You have admitted that Cook was not at his best, when he fought Steven. Yet, his dumb technique worked. You can't claim that Cook would never beat Steven when he did on what you claim to be a bad performance on Cook's part.

Neither you nor I can speculate what Cook was thinking when he threw it or what Steven was thinking when he blocked it with his face.
Why would I continue training with someone whom I thought didn't know what they were talking about?
And it was your infinite amount of experience and knowlege at the time that determined that someone, who has been in the arts longer than you, did not know what they were talking about. I see. Thank you for that insight. It tells us more about your character than you realize.
Again, you fail to see the point. You have admitted that Cook was not at his best, when he fought Steven. Yet, his dumb technique worked. You can't claim that Cook would never beat Steven when he did on what you claim to be a bad performance on Cook's part.

Neither you nor I can speculate what Cook was thinking when he threw it or what Steven was thinking when he blocked it with his face.

It is a kick that Steven Cook has thrown before and one that has become a signature kick.

Many athletes practice this kick. It is being referred to as the Cook Kick on our Team.

Speaking of Lopez and Cook. Steven had a chance to avenge that loss at the US Open. Aaron Cook fought at the US Open so did Sebastion Michaud but Steven was on the side with his brother selling some product!

Why didn't Steven fight I would submit he did not fight like Mark fear of losing!

The big problem I have with Mark is that the USAT publicized that he would fight and did not.

I have to respect Diane Lopez she fought at the US Open and won Silver.
Cook won by fluke knockout when Steven made a very strange ducking motion in a completely weird angle. It was not a great act of skill. There is no way you can make the claim that a falling double kick at barely waist level was some kind of brilliant maneuver. There is no way Cook could have thought ahead of time Steven would lean over that far.

English is a tough language, but should we always resort to loud blather and distortion of the facts to make a point. Good pictures or tape rarely lie:

The so called "a very ducking motion in a completely weird angle," appears to be Steve Lopez simply lowering his unprotectd head to avoid Aaron Cook's first kick -- a left outside inside crescent or axe kick, which was the first in a double sequence. Lopez's fate is sealed when that lowered head (jaw) meets Cook's roudhouse -- the second kick of the double sequence. None of the kicks were "at barely waist level," as the poster asserts. Lopez, I think, is around 6'3".

And yes, in English, Cook's double-kick sequence can accurately be described as a "great act of skill," and "some kind of brilliant maneuver."

Doing a regular double-sequence with roundhouse kicks is comparatively easy. Kicking to the head with a downward outside inside crescent/axe kick, and then almost simultenously firing a high roundhouse kick with the other leg is a difficult thing to do, even at the elite level.
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