English is a tough language, but should we always resort to loud blather and distortion of the facts to make a point. Good pictures or tape rarely lie:
The so called "a very ducking motion in a completely weird angle," appears to be Steve Lopez simply lowering his unprotectd head to avoid Aaron Cook's first kick -- a left outside inside crescent or axe kick, which was the first in a double sequence. Lopez's fate is sealed when that lowered head (jaw) meets Cook's roudhouse -- the second kick of the double sequence. None of the kicks were "at barely waist level," as the poster asserts. Lopez, I think, is around 6'3".
And yes, in English, Cook's double-kick sequence can accurately be described as a "great act of skill," and "some kind of brilliant maneuver."
Doing a regular double-sequence with roundhouse kicks is comparatively easy. Kicking to the head with a downward outside inside crescent/axe kick, and then almost simultenously firing a high roundhouse kick with the other leg is a difficult thing to do, even at the elite level.