Attention Male USAT athletes :Dont bother

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First off you need to go and read the selection Criteria. Ollie Burton won a silver at Nationals qualifying him for the Trials. He just beat James Howe at the Pan Am trials he is not the product of a selection camp. Probably one of the most talented young fighters that we have. He is a flyweight thou and I don't think a serious contender. James Howe could have signed up for this he is qualified as a National Team Member.
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First off you need to go and read the selection Criteria. Ollie Burton won a silver at Nationals qualifying him for the Trials. He just beat James Howe at the Pan Am trials he is not the product of a selection camp.

Correct. Im not sure why I seem to have confused pam am trials with the 2010 national team selection.

Either way, Ollie Burton doesn't have much of a chance. Not in Featherweight. Unless he has managed to pack on 20 pounds of muscle in the past two months.
Rufus Hamon is really the only one I could give it to to possibly beat Steven. Though in 09, they had a pretty rough fight. Steven really wasn't looking good, and the fight came down to 0 : -1, with Hamon losing a point from penalties. There have probably been a couple of fights that could have swung Hamon's way, but he simply does not have the skill to make it happen.

Are you saying there is something wrong with jumping to avoid being hit? If so, do you have the same criticism for all the times Jason Han did it as well?

Juan Sanchez, the same guy who lost in his very first fight at the 2009 world championships to Mark Lopez. Though the win over Maxime Potvin was good. Im not going to ask why you didn't give a shoutout to Brian Gallagher, but Im guessing its because as good as Brian Gallagher is, he hasn't performed well internationally.

Two? I'm looking at a screenshot of the final scoreboard of one of their fights right now. He has 2 Kyungo's. Now you are just making stuff up.

Yes, Mark was publicized. I'm not sure why he didn't fight. Fear of losing, this is just baseless speculation. Fear of losing didn't stop him from fighting in the Dutch Open in 2006 right after he "won" world championships in 2005. So I'm not sure why he would feel that way now.

I have seen some of these fights with Jason Han. I really don't see what you are talking about here, Mark was pretty dominant the whole way.

Just re-looked at the Sokolov/Lopez fights. 2 Kyungo's the first fight a fairly called fight. Vlad lost. Second fight 6 Kyungo's 2 legit...4 BS...This fight was discussed with the head ref at the time and he agreed that the Kyungo's should not have been given but you can't over turn field of play decisions. The Kyungo's early changed the flow of the fight. The ref for this fight was not an experienced IR. It begs the question why did we not have our best refs in the finals of such an important match.
Tell me, were you there at 2009 US National team trials? I sure as heck was. And if you can watch the final two minutes of the last match between Vlad and Mark, see Vlad completely zombie out and take punches to the chest while staring blankly into the distance, and still tell me "Vlad got cheated by bad scoring", then I really don't know what to tell you. This literally happened.

I watched the fight last night a pretty skewed evaluation.

I never thought Vlad won that fight. I thought that the Kyungo's given for kicking low were absurd. I think that the poor center officiating gave Vlad a steeper hill to climb. I think that the Lopez's are very good fighters. You asked for examples of fights in which they gained an advantage because of who they are. This is one of them!!!!

I will state that I believe that Mark saw Sokolov as a threat and when he saw Potvin, Kim, Sanchez, Galagher, Sokolov and Jenning's it was to great a risk for him to fight. I don't think that this is a baseless assertion. I saw him there he was healthy and could have fought( he said that he would) but chose not to. He should have fought!!!!
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This thread has now been moved to The Great Debate. While some more leeway is allowed in this forum, it's still up to you to read the rules regarding this forum.

Ronald Shin
MT Supermoderator
Good afternoon Ronald, while I appreciate the move I do not understand it? This is strickly about Sport TKD so it should remain in that section. I can see why some might believe it should be moved, I believe we all are acting pretty well considering what this topic is about. The thing I fear is it getting lost in that section. Thank you for looking and I know the mods are doing a great job.:asian:
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Due to complaints we have removed at least 1 post from this thread, an action we do not take lightly.

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Slander, Libel and Defamation of Character are all against our policies.
Good afternoon Ronald, while I appreciate the move I do not understand it? This is strickly about Sport TKD so it should remain in that section. I can see why some might believe it should be moved, I believe we all are acting pretty well considering what this topic is about. The thing I fear is it getting lost in that section. Thank you for looking and I know the mods are doing a great job.:asian:
Terry, if things stay sane, and focus on sports, we'll consider moving it back shortly.
Admin Notice:
Due to complaints we have removed at least 1 post from this thread, an action we do not take lightly.

Before making insinuations or out right claims of impropriety please remember that you as poster are 100% responsible and liable for your comments, and should MartialTalk receive notice, we will comply with -all- properly served court orders.

Slander, Libel and Defamation of Character are all against our policies.

So the almighty USAT got to you huh?!?!?!?!? :rofl:
So the almighty USAT got to you huh?!?!?!?!? :rofl:
No. Several members complaining about comments that looked to be defamation of character at a legally risky level. Having to pay my lawyer more often would seriously cut into my ability to keep up with Scooby Doo and Star Trek collectibles. ;)
You are somebody to me Terry!!!

Mark and Steven are great fighters but the USAT gives them every advantage.

It is not a grand international conspiracy! The get every call in their favor in the US.
They get every advantage to make sure that they don't lose. I agree that Mark and Steven have not been seriously challenged! That is about to end! D. Lopes should have never been in the Olympics.

When Steven got a bad call in the 2008 Olympics his reaction was less than commendable and the reaction of the Team Lead was worse.

Did you notice in the Recent pictures posted on the USAT web-site that Herb "2008" team leader was at the event, on the floor in what appears to be during a match that was stopped? Wonder why Herb, a Vendor that USAT bought out his contract was doing on the floor with officials during a match at team trials anyone know?
No. Several members complaining about comments that looked to be defamation of character at a legally risky level. Having to pay my lawyer more often would seriously cut into my ability to keep up with Scooby Doo and Star Trek collectibles. ;)

Just to keep your Sooby Doo collectibles slush fund safe, you may want to consider removing Post #37 in this thread as well.
Did you notice in the Recent pictures posted on the USAT web-site that Herb "2008" team leader was at the event, on the floor in what appears to be during a match that was stopped? Wonder why Herb, a Vendor that USAT bought out his contract was doing on the floor with officials during a match at team trials anyone know?

I was told that Herb was there doing video review at the request of the USAT. He was an official.
I was told that Herb was there doing video review at the request of the USAT. He was an official.
Interesting, that they would use Herb to view the instant replays, Who would apoint that position? Davie, the head national coach Jean? Well it seems they are covering all bases!
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