Attacked and Outnumbered

When you're old(ish)....younger guys from your past will say "Remember the time..." and go on and on about one of the coolest experiences of their lives, and get all exited recounting it to others....which you don't really remember much of any more, because it was just another day dealing with......whatever.

In the RAF that's known as 'pull up a sandbag..'
It's not like he was saying he used a 360 tornado kick to knock a guy out then ran off the wall with a show time kick. Fact is yeah it could be bs but fact is I think a fair few people here will have used their training one way or another and there's no reason to call them liars for no reason simply because they posted an experience. I mean if he said he about 20 guys without taking a hit then yeah obviously that's rubbish but there's nothing from this story that says he's a liar. More he just kept them away until security turned up
I think there is a difference between calling someone a liar and expressing healthy skepticism.

You're right that we shouldn't be calling each other liars. Its rude. But that doesn't mean we have to accept everything that is written at face value. There is a lot of BS posted around here. :)
Who called them 'liars'?
Well plenty of people posting "hmm" showing they doubt the story and others saying how it's difficult to remember these things showing they don't believe it either.

I had the same on mine with my thread about a guy starting trouble with me and pulling a knife I got people posting hmm and that wasnt even an exciting story I threw one punch (a pretty crappy punch and ran off) and yet people doubted that as well that's what my point is
Well plenty of people posting "hmm" showing they doubt the story and others saying how it's difficult to remember these things showing they don't believe it either.

I had the same on mine with my thread about a guy starting trouble with me and pulling a knife I got people posting hmm and that wasnt even an exciting story I threw one punch (a pretty crappy punch and ran off) and yet people doubted that as well that's what my point is


And what does that mean? It could be quite a few things actually, I think you are putting a meaning on it that's not there. They aren't saying it's lies, they are saying, in a far less wordy way, that the story be true but most likely not, it could be embellished or misremembered. It's expressing doubt but not calling it lies.
You have to bear in mind that many of us have been on this site for years and in that time we've seen a lot of stuff posted up and being keen observers of human nature and having a lot of life experience and being older than many posters we actually know that certain things when posted are unlikely to be true. In short we all have well developed BS detectors.

And what does that mean? It could be quite a few things actually, I think you are putting a meaning on it that's not there. They aren't saying it's lies, they are saying, in a far less wordy way, that the story be true but most likely not, it could be embellished or misremembered. It's expressing doubt but not calling it lies.
You have to bear in mind that many of us have been on this site for years and in that time we've seen a lot of stuff posted up and being keen observers of human nature and having a lot of life experience and being older than many posters we actually know that certain things when posted are unlikely to be true. In short we all have well developed BS detectors.
Well why doesn't he simply state his point that's my issue why give just a vague thing like that which like you said could mean anything just say what you think.
My bet is its a flashbulb memory. He remembers it very clearly, almost unbelievably so, but that doesn't necessarily mean he's lying about it. It also doesn't mean it's 100% correct. People have flashbulb memories that they are fully convinced are exactly how something happened, only to find out from other sources that they're not entirely accurate.
Well why doesn't he simply state his point that's my issue why give just a vague thing like that which like you said could mean anything just say what you think.

He did say what he meant, he said hmm. I didn't say it could mean anything. I told you exactly what it meant, he just said it more succinctly. :cool:
;)One thing about Martial talk, there is a lot of questionable experience and experiences, when it comes to fighting.
Well why doesn't he simply state his point that's my issue why give just a vague thing like that which like you said could mean anything just say what you think.

I'd read it as saying "I'm skeptical of this, but whatever... it's not worth arguing about."
Similarly, someone may click the "disagree" button without commenting. Pretty much the same thing. "I disagree with what you're saying, but am not interested in arguing about it."

When you're old(ish)....younger guys from your past will say "Remember the time..." and go on and on about one of the coolest experiences of their lives, and get all exited recounting it to others....which you don't really remember much of any more, because it was just another day dealing with......whatever.

When you're young(ish) and something happens that you haven't had a lot of experience in, sometimes you remember detail after detail, some of which are completely mundane.

In either case - sometimes you don't remember things correctly. Which is why eye witness testimony is many times really, really off.

But I sure would like some of that fried chicken and sweet rolls Steve was talking about. HmmmmYummm.

You too? Didn't think I would catch you did you? :) ;) :)

Actually, I agree completely with your comments on memory. Funny thing memory.