Attack or defence

never said footwork doesn't exist I said if you're in a tight space you can't bounce around like Ali
footwork is more than just bouncing around. When it comes to self-defense footwork rarely involves bouncing around. It does however involve moving and positioning the feet in an effort to be in a better position or to avoid one like being pinned against a wall.
Someone has to learn to attack so the other guy has something to defend.
I'm glad I read everyone's post first. Because I was going to say the same thing. I teach students how to strike first (striking is different from attacking). This way student can have a decent punch to work defensive techniques. Learning how to strike is necessary for our drills and conditioning. Learning how to attack someone doesn't come into play unless we are sparring. We drill attack concepts, but actually learning how to attack someone is always done in the context that the other person is going to do their best to defend against the attack.

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