ATF Seizes 30 Toy Guns, Says "They Can Be Converted Into Machine Guns"

Not saying it isn't easy to make a zip gun and I'm not saying outlaw all airsofts.

But in this instance its common sense to take a "toy", which could fairly easily converted into an untraceable machine gun, off the market.

Sparking roller skates were removed from the shelves a couple of years ago because they could cause a fire, why not this toy?

The ATF lies. They have lied in the past and they are lying now.
The ATF lies. They have lied in the past and they are lying now.

It's already been quite a few weeks since the incident, and I still have yet to hear any respectable firearms expert agree with the "ease" at which Airsoft weapons could be converted to functional full auto weapons...

All that's been blabbed about, was from a few ignorant ATF folks, and the ignorant gun grabbing lobby.
My hands are deadly weapons..............

But really, though. I'd be against a Build-Your-Own-Bazooka-At-Home Kit, but I wouldn't be ready to regulate all the items that would go in said kit.

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