I don't disagree with anything you said there, good sir :nods:.
We. well some of us, do understand as much an outsider can, the difficulties the police endure trying to get an impossible job done. Please don't think that anything posted here is 'having a go' at any particular officer doing his best under bad circumstances. We, or at least I, am talking about perceptions and principles of policing, rather than the nuts-and-bolts, actually doing the unforgiving job, side of things. Over here in England, however, there is an institutional 'problem' that I'll note later.
As to the reporting issue, I've noted before that reporting of crime has, in my experience gone down. I've been burgled twice, had a car stolen, had one attempted burgularly and one attempted car theft. Out of that catalogue, I reported one, the first burgulary, to the police. The response and outcome was so unstellar that I've never bothered since - no point if the Force can't help me and makes me, the victim, feel like I'm wasting their time.
That's the problem I referred to earlier, how the police make the victims feel like an irritant rather than someone to be helped. I know my stuff isn't the Crown Jewels but having my car stolen means I am a lot of months savings out of pocket. Being told to fill in some forms and we'll look for it as we go (sub-text if we can be bothered) really hurts the Police's stature amongst those they're supposed to serve.