Aspirations for 2025

Thanks, I just wish this particular problem wasn't my own stupid fault. Now I have to take responsibility for the bleeding thing...
Some people just have ‘addictive brain circuitary’. It’s no more your fault than someone with flat feet or a dodgy aortic valve. With the ubiquity of cigarettes and alcohol and especially the social normalisation of drinking the latter, you could say it’s, in great part, the Portman Group and tobacco industry’s fault.

You’ve recognised the issue and you’re trying to do something about it and that is truly worthy of praise.
If nothing else, it's taught me a lot about how this stuff works. Before I contacted the local drug and alcohol services, I thought a taper was a funny little south American mammal with a prehensile snout
Thanks, I just wish this particular problem wasn't my own stupid fault. Now I have to take responsibility for the bleeding thing...
I wouldn't say it's your fault. Probably over 95% of adults have tried alcohol at some point or another. Some people become addicted to it, due in large part to their own biology. Similar to schizophrenia, the person who has it isn't to blame.

That said, choosing not to do anything about it would be your fault (again, like with schizophrenia choosing not to take medication or get better would be your fault), and you have to take responsibility for it to get better. But don't blame yourself for having the condition in the first place.