FMA On The Ground

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Rich Parsons said:

This is the second link you have provided that is dead.

Nice joke.

Just wish I could get your sense of humor.
I don't think it was intentional folks.
Bob Hubbard said:
There is a typo in the link.
Try here:
It's the english version.
Mr. Carnes is listed as the California Representative for the Modern Arnis International Ju-Jitsu Karate Association.

Gee There is no rep for Michigan. I can sign for a fee and be registered as the Michigan Representative.

The latest update I found was 2001, which is the year the GM Remy Died.

Many of the pages were dated 1998.

This website had infomration from Delaney and also IMAF Schea and others as well.

It still listed GM Presas as if he was alive.

Also this was more of a group thing for the Big Three (* Modern Arnis - Presas / Ju-Jitsu - Walley Jay / Karate - Dillman *)

Not sure I would trust this site, unless some other people stepped up and explained it to me.
Rich Parsons said:
Monkey aka Tom Carnes,

I never said you were not there. You said some people were not there and that you had not seen these people. So I used your own words against you in your arguement. You did nto see the point. You do not grasp the finer details of the written language. That is fine for that does not mean one cannot be a good Martial Artist and unable to communciate as well.

I just find it hard to read what you write.

You ramble and are all over the place.

You sentence structure and such make it almost impossible to understand you at goos times and impossible at others.

In one thread you mentioned you did not have your glasses on. Well if this is an issue then always have your glasses on when you post.

If you are trying to gain respect by throwing names and ranks and titles around then you will not find it here. If you have knowledge and share it then it adds value to those titles and ranks.

So, post and post well, but do not think we know what is going on in your mind. We are not mind readers, we cannot see your face or read your lips. Go slow and type out what you want and even proof read it to make sure it says what you want it to say. This will go a long way to making your point what ever it may be.

If it is a language problem, what is your native language? If it is something faily common maybe someone has access to a person who is a translator.

Si es español puedo ayudar.
¿Si es un problema de la lengua, cuál es su lengua materna? Si es algo faily campo común quizá alguien puede ayudar a traducir.
Marvin said:
Actually, lets put this thread back on track?

Rocky, we were speaking of Ukrainian wrestling...

I do Irish involves a lot of drinking and face punching. ;)
Tulisan said:
I do Irish involves a lot of drinking and face punching. ;)

You said something about scottish kilts as well. ;)


Yes Ground Fighting:

I agree with what Rocky said and the comments about be aware of the improvised weapon or hidden weapon. Also to get back up ASAP to avoid his friends joining in and or getting pinned.
Rich Parsons said:

Yes Ground Fighting:

I agree with what Rocky said and the comments about be aware of the improvised weapon or hidden weapon. Also to get back up ASAP to avoid his friends joining in and or getting pinned.

Yes, those are good tactics whatever you are stading or on the ground. But I was looking for particular flavor of the style, for example in greco, all takedowns are above the waist, knee can't touch, work for double unders etc. Or BJJ, mount, guard etc.
Tulisan said:
I do Irish involves a lot of drinking and face punching. ;)

Paul, we have a similar famly grappling style called "Drunken Beer-bellied Wrestling" :drinkbeer :boxing:
Marvin said:
Yes, those are good tactics whatever you are stading or on the ground. But I was looking for particular flavor of the style, for example in greco, all takedowns are above the waist, knee can't touch, work for double unders etc. Or BJJ, mount, guard etc.

As to Rocky's Family I cannot speak.

As to GM Remy Presas, I would have to say lots of Judo like moves including sweeps of the feet and also knee take downs. That was the feel I best can describe after a 12 hour day.