Are You Going to Hell..........

you CAN if you really want to...i think i'll sit outta this one
Originally posted by KenpoTess
I'm already in hell as I keep tellng myself :eek:

The eigth plane of hell is reported to be the one that is frozen, maybe you are there and not the second place ;)
it's actually starting to thaw around needs to get about twenty degrees warmer...then I'll be happy.
well whatever level I be on.. tis colder inside than tis out.. *ponders this~!! Yesh it's finally thawing a bit.. let's hope it keeps going up not down.. this level is no fun.. I need more heat :D
I consider it warm when I can have the windows down on my car when I drive...grr...damn coldness...enough, I say. :shrug:
the thing you can always dress up for can only take so much clothing off when it's warm. :shrug:
yesh and the neighbors would most likely frown upon the latter..*still mumbling bout 1/4 days...
I had my snowsuit on in the house today.. didn't wanna get out of it to change for class.. first time I's been warm in a week~!
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
The eigth plane of hell is reported to be the one that is frozen, maybe you are there and not the second place ;)

I'm in the 8th level......I need some friends! come visit!

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