Are You Going to Hell..........

Originally posted by edhead2000
I'm in the 8th level......I need some friends! come visit!

8th level of Doom or Quake or Halo?

Visit, in this cold weather, wiht my Truck in the shop? No Way. Maybe in the summer time, if I can get the time off work and can get the bug to travel.
Hey Rich.. Try to make it for the Seminar tay~!! April 10th.. should give ya plenty of time to make plans ;)
And I'll be at the seminar, provided I am still invited, so you can meet me too! hehe.
10th of April is a Saturday, and it might be warming up by then.

Is it raining down there in Spring Time?

I will put it into the plans. Right now I need get through some emergencies at work. One of my programs is either going to be real busy and behind schedule or cancelled. Senior level VP's and Presidents, will be making the decision later this month I hope.

Until then I cannot not even plan a work trip for my other program to Japan, let alone a vacation :(. I know the troubles I ahve compared to people with no heat. Or no job. So, I am not whining, just thinking out loud. Sounds like fun. I just need to see what happens. :D

Thank You for the invite. Mr. C will not beat me to much will he?
Rain in April? Puhleeeeese.. hahaaa.. Who knows what it's gonna be doing around here.. last year it was a wet one.. let's hope not as wet this year.. and it will be a glorious spring.. *keeping digits crossed *
Mr. C. won't hurt ya~!! He's got control :D

Hope you can make it.. will be a blast~!!
Me? Beat you up? The Chronuss left bruises on me from yesterday. I think I am no match.
well I'm an old lady so ya have to go easy on me.. and Chad leaves bruises on me from just tickling me ;)
I do believe I saw those pictures of you at the gym.........
I'll definitely be more gentle than my instructor was to the boy who "fubar"ed yesterday......."3-10 seconds and you would have been out..." yikes!

Good thing I'm a drug dealer and have spare narcotics just laying around......might need them when I come up!
Originally posted by KenpoTess

my elbow is being stupid.. *glares at it*

and my shoulder is being stupid....

...elbow for a shoulder...shouldn't have gotten me in Locked Wing tonight, tessh...
Originally posted by edhead2000
I do believe I saw those pictures of you at the gym.........
I'll definitely be more gentle than my instructor was to the boy who "fubar"ed yesterday......."3-10 seconds and you would have been out..." yikes!

Good thing I'm a drug dealer and have spare narcotics just laying around......might need them when I come up!
It's a good thing I know you are joking......
The first part is true.........I seriously thought my instructor was going to make the kid black out. Of course, that's what I would have done.

I am a drug dealer.......legally. I give people drugs, they give me money, except those on Medicaid, but I'm not even gonna go there.

Spare narcotics...........left over from when I have surgery last summer......
Originally posted by edhead2000
The first part is true.........I seriously thought my instructor was going to make the kid black out. Of course, that's what I would have done.

...told Erin I'd have made that kid do so many pushups til I got tired from looking at him...
ok ok.. settle down.. you're not mean.. *keep repeating it Tess and you shall believe* Nobody could possibly replace you.. nope.. not on this astral plane ~!!!
Originally posted by Chronuss
...told Erin I'd have made that kid do so many pushups til I got tired from looking at him...

I much preferred the 3-10 second black out........he'd look nice laying on the floor.

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