Anyone now this duel...


Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 12, 2007
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somewhere near Lake Michigan
Back in the 80s I read a short blurb in a martial arts magazine...Fighting Arts magazine, or one of the smaller ones...about a duel. In this duel an experienced duelist with several kills under his belt was facing an inexperienced duelist. The more experienced killer decided to shock the other guy and yelled loudly as he worked...the less experienced guy panicked and simply thrust out his sword in fright...the sword accidentally entered the mouth of the experienced duelist, exited the back of his neck and killed him.

Is anyone familiar with this particular historical duel...I figure that sports guys know all the teams in the Superbowls and the World series so fans of European fencing might know this particular duel...
sounds like a contrary story to the one i heard. the master would kiai every time the opponent would try to attack him and the power of the kiai would stop him in his tracks. do you remember the magazine or the year or cover picture. i still have all my old magazines i could look for it.