Anyone can get a Black Belt? Is this True?

in the style i go to is that u can get black belt after 18 years and have to be really good. Iwant to get my black belt one day. The thing that counts is how much u practised to get there not beacuse u just have a blck belt. Its just a belt with a colour. U can just get a white belt and paint it with black.
I agree with someone's statement eariler about potential. Most people won't ever see a BB because they quit too early. Once they find out there is work involved - byebye.

Should everyone be one? Nope. Too many people think they are good when the BB is a sign of beginning ofstudy and not mastery of technique. Then there is the overkill on mastery :( another time perhaps?
KenpoNoChikara said:
Black Belts on EBay???????? What next....Lol, ya think you've seen everything that's really too bad

By any chance do you remember who it was that was selling them?
Go to the E-bay main menu page and type in "KARATE" in the what are you looking for box....They were also selling a "doctorette" in Martial Arts for a short period..Everything the McDojo owner needs for his walls...
Drac said:
Go to the E-bay main menu page and type in "KARATE" in the what are you looking for box....They were also selling a "doctorette" in Martial Arts for a short period..Everything the McDojo owner needs for his walls...
Thank you much. :asian:

Like what other posters had said before, from what I have seen, black belt is really just the beginning, there is just so much to learn. My style defines black belt as Master of Basics, and for good reason, I suppose. It takes time to perfect everything. It's too bad that so many people quit and miss out on all the great stuff that comes after black belt (not that I would know just yet, but it sounds awesome, Lol)
I imagine how difficult it must be to be looking for a good martial arts school, and have to sift through all of these dojos with "Black Belt Masters" who just bought the belt and certificate. I got lucky and found a good place right away.
still learning said:
Hello, Have you notice how many people who have a Black Belts. Watch them workout or perform somewhere and you wonder about their skills?
Many schools have a minumum requirements and lenght of time, as short as one year to two years only? Does this make sense? What are your thoughts?
Should this be like a State licence, for journey man workers,lawyers,doctors,mechanics,school teachers?
Yeah, I've noticed Black Belts that couldn't move well. Even high ranking ones that moved like robots. It was sad.
There's three things you are talking about here:
1. Knowledge.
2. Ability to perform.
3. Ability to pass the art to others, to engender 1 + 2.

There are black belts that know the ins and outs of their style, but can't 'do' their art as well.
There are those that don't 'know' as much as someone at their rank should, but can DO what they know with a high degree of consistant quality.
There are those who can teach their art better than they themselves can DO the art.
Then theres those that know their art well and can do it well, but can't communicate it well to others. (these make fine senior students for inspiration, but POOR instructors if they try their hand at it.)
Last but most importantly: There are those who Know their art well, can do (perform/execute) their art with consistant quality and can help others gain in both of these areas as well. THESE are the ones that we look up to, these are the ones we should follow.

UNFORTUNATELY: Joe public doesn't have the knowledge or experience to be able to discern one of these types from another. They may see their local Jon Q. BlackBelt and think "Now THERE is a black belt. That's what a black belt should be like." But they don't know. Their basis for comparison is exceedingly shallow. So they go study under Mr. local BlackBelt and train for a good while, putting their effort into it and trying their best. When, down the road, they feel they aren't making the type of progress they should in ability or understanding... they DON'T question their instructor (generally) because of the classroom sermons on "Patience" and long endurance. So they keep their head down and keep going.
THEN: We get another 'Black Belt' who's knowledge and ability is good
but by the standards of people who've been 'around the block' w/in martial arts circles for a while....SUBstandard at best.
It's an unfortunate cycle.

It takes some information and time to discern the wheat from the chaff in the martial arts community. Imagine being one of those that just happens to fall into the right hands the first time around. Like Mr. Frank Trejo. If memory serves, he first trained in Shotokan and then his mother showed him an add that Grandmaster Parker placed looking for "Black Belt instructors". He replied and wound up a personal student of the Grandmaster of American Kenpo Karate. WOW... what good fortune!!
Then there's the guys in Ho-hum nowheresville. Their options are usually limited AT BEST. But they do the best they can with what they've been given.

Length of time has nothing to do with earning a Black Belt!!! Sure, it shouldn't be 'quick' per-say... not really. But 'quick' compared to what? Compared to earning a PHD we are there lickedy-split. Compared to the Indy 500, it takes us a long time to get to our goal.
Time is relative, it's the amound of quality work and attention to detail that will make the biggest bang for your buck down the road, regardless of how much "Down the road" you are.
See, if there were some 'State Board of Martial Arts' that said that a person who's been doing a martial art for 4 years should have a black belt, or just that that's the minimum of time needed.... it wouldn't effect the quality of understanding or ability or ability to teach one whit. If you can't get good quality, the amount of time is irrelevant. 2 years of substandard quality compared to 10 years of substandard quality will both get the same thing: Substandard.

Nah....the 'state' should stay out of it. There's more that goes into "earning" a Black Belt than can be quantified or labeled. Much more. Knowledge, Ability and ability to teach are just the main landmarks along the way... but they aren't all!

Sorry to rant on, but this is something I've thought a while about.
Your Brother
Apparently, anyone CAN get a black belt. If you follow this link, it should take you to a site on Ebay where an authentic American Kenpo 5th Dan black belt and all ranks below it are yours for the asking.

That guy posts on here sometimes. His username is acordskenpo. I have the video set of that program but I am using it as supplemental info since I have an instructor and can only make classes once a week due to going to school at night.
As an eBay Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.
lets say your a great athlete and great black belt martial artist. God forbid you become paralized. Are you still a black belt? Of course you are. I feel belt promotion is a sign of knowledge and skill. The knowledge is more important. so yes in this respect anyone can get a black belt. Now can anyone teach? that's a different story.
In my dojo Black Belt is also defined as Master of Basics, a license to learn so to speak. It takes 4.5 to 5 years minimum to earn one, and our belt testings for the kyu grades are 6 to 8 hour endurance/comprehensive reviews. The shodan test is 8 hours first day and 7 hours second day. I felt little glory at the end of the second day, just relief that I made it all the way! Could anyone have done it? Anyone who possesses the determination to not quit no matter how bad it hurts could do it. Anyone with 6 bucks can buy one at the local martial arts store, but where would you wear it? The truth always comes to the top eventually.
"What if I have a training partner, can they also receive rank certification without buying the manual?

Just add $25.00 and include your training partners full name, and we will add thier certificates too!

This is from the advert.
That's pretty easy eh? You just send in your name and there you go, you're a black belt! Why would anyone want to do this, I really can't understand how you could feel good knowing you sent off a cheque and did no training and are now a black belt.
Has the guy selling 5th Dans in EPAK even studied under SGM Parker? Hell, anyone of us could buy the video then sell it again to the next smuck and claim it as our own.... How many people actually fall for this?
Anyone CAN get a black belt. But just keep in mind one simple rule. The Belt itself cannot talk or perform. Therefore, the belt doesn't show any skill in fighting or teaching. Like all things Martial Arts, It's much deeper than that and few things are as they seem at first glance.
I haven't been following this thread so pelase forgive me if this has already been stated, howerver there is a quote that fits this.

"Q:How long does it take for the average person to recieve a black belt? A: Average people don't get black belts"

Mr. 'Huk' Planas

Anyone could recieve a black belt, but it takes some one special to earn one.

A black belt is nothing more than basic understanding of the ryu,after black belt is when you get let into the good stuff. I remember seeing a 5 dan and thinking this guy sucks then when it was my turn to be thrown his tech did the work as sloppy as it looked
Good Post, I dont believe there should be a state or worse God forbid a federal requirement. Its all about value, hey lets face it, while it is true that some innocent people are conned, a lot more like to lie to themselves and want to simply brag about achieving a black belt, to these people the value does not lie with the quality of instructions but rather with attain a black belt in a relatively short time, so they can rant and brag about it even though deep down inside they know their bb is practically worthless. Perhaps I have simply become somewhat bitter on the subject in general, having been in the martial arts for a while now, I simply can not percieve how a reasonable individual would not be in the least skeptic with respect to being able to achieve a black belt in 2 yrs, even if said individual has never practiced martial arts before.
what does this mean ROTFLMAO??? I never worry about rank I just worry about the fun I have working out. In my life it is not so much the destination it is the journey that makes my travel worth while.
bushi jon said:
what does this mean ROTFLMAO??? I never worry about rank I just worry about the fun I have working out. In my life it is not so much the destination it is the journey that makes my travel worth while.
I believe it stands for "Rolling On The Floor Laughing My A** Off". I think that's it but don't quote me. Pewter Belt, That's funny 8-)....Steve

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