Any suggestions on exercises?


Yellow Belt
Hi, everyone!

I am looking for advice on getting back into shape. I am not much over weight, but I am not where I should be either. I am about 5ft 8in and 145 pounds. The other evening in class, when we were doing stretching, I really realized how out of shape I am. :erg:

Also, I need to work on my balance.. any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.
well, there are a few simple things you can do, such as a reasonable but consistent number of pushups and situps/crunches every day. I personally get bored with a full weight lifting routine, so I just stick to something small that I know I can do quickly and easily. These exercises keep some good tone in the muscle groups that they use, and this is important in most martial arts.

You could do all kinds of conditioning exercises, like running or swimming or something. If you enjoy doing those things, then go ahead.

When it comes to training, for most of us time is limited and we need to decide how best to utilize the time that we have. If we are training a martial art seriously, we may find that there is not extra time for running, swimming, or weightlifting. So, what do we do?

If you train your martial art seriously, I think you will find that it will get you into shape over time. Just keep at it, be consistent and regular, and you will start to see the difference after a while.

The most important thing in my opinion is that you must be doing something that you enjoy, for its own sake. For example, no matter how much you believe weight lifting would be GOOD FOR YOU, if you don't actually enjoy doing it, you will not stick with it.

I got lucky: I found martial arts when I was young, and I have simply enjoyed doing it. I enjoy the simple process of training and practicing, not for goals or rank or something, but just for DOING it. To me, it's fun. And as a very nice addition, my training keeps me in shape.

Like I mentioned, I do a modest amount of situps and pushups, but this kind of thing is definitely a supplement to my martial arts training, and will always take a back seat. At various times, I have incorporated weight lifting, running, and swimming, but again, as boredom sets in, or time gets tight, these things get sacrificed first.

I actually did enjoy running and swimming, but the time issue is a big factor.

Hope this helps and gives you something to think about.
As for balance, really the best thing you can do is just practice. Balance has more to do with your body's ability to make the minor adjustments required to stay on your it is just about fine muscle memory.

The exercise part is really different for everyone, but the one tried and true method that works for everyone everytime is to RUN a lot and watch your caloric intake. Push ups and sit ups always help too. Aside from that, just continue training and practicing on your own and it will come.
Here are a few exercises to improve balance & strengthen your legs:
- Work your stances
- Kick slow
- Pistols/One leg squat
Are you looking for more "overall fitness"? Any exercise/diet program will help out with that. If you want to get better at your MA and get in shape then do your katas at full speed/power.
One of the things I like to tell new students is this, IT WILL COME relax and enjoy your training and at 5'8" and 145 you are differently not overwieght by any means.
Hi, everyone!

I am looking for advice on getting back into shape. I am not much over weight, but I am not where I should be either. I am about 5ft 8in and 145 pounds. The other evening in class, when we were doing stretching, I really realized how out of shape I am. :erg:

Also, I need to work on my balance.. any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

Relax your shoulders and lower your center
Stand on one leg
Do slow kicks; front, side, back, etc.

Everything else:
Train hard.

According to your profile you are beginning TKD. Starting any marital art it is to be expected to feel you are out of shape, train, train and train some m and you will get over that. There are no shortcuts just training.
As for balance, really the best thing you can do is just practice. Balance has more to do with your body's ability to make the minor adjustments required to stay on your it is just about fine muscle memory.

The exercise part is really different for everyone, but the one tried and true method that works for everyone everytime is to RUN a lot and watch your caloric intake. Push ups and sit ups always help too. Aside from that, just continue training and practicing on your own and it will come.

I definetly need to do push ups to help build the strentgh in my arms.
Hi, everyone!

I am looking for advice on getting back into shape. I am not much over weight, but I am not where I should be either. I am about 5ft 8in and 145 pounds. The other evening in class, when we were doing stretching, I really realized how out of shape I am. :erg:

Also, I need to work on my balance.. any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

Looks like you've recieved some great advice already. :) Just going to class on a regular basis will help. However, anything else that you can do in addition to that is a plus. Watching what you eat is a big part of it. Just making small changes in your diet you will notice change. Work on cardio outside of class as well.

As for the balance, that will come with time. You could train that by standing on one leg for a set period of time. You could also perform kicks slowly. That will not only work on the balance issue but also some leg strength.

Hi there -

Firstly i'll approach the balance thing.
I did some damage to my ankle a while back and to strengthen it i had to do a lot of balance work....
So start by just standing on 1 foot for 2 minutes then swap.
If that's too easy, start circling you leg
If that's still too easy, cirlce your leg and close your eyes
If you master that try the first one but standing on a pillow or something similar.
That should keep you busy for quite a while - it's harder than you'd think, particularly the closed eye one!!

On the fitness\weight loss side of things - this comes down to motivation and time. If you can fit it in i would highly recommend that each night you go for a vigerous walk\run for 30 mins - make sure it's a hard walk though, you want to be puffing and panting (indicates that your pulse is up and your working hard).

The other thing you can do to drop weight is check your diet. I've read that 70% of weight loss can be achieved simply by changing your diet and not your exercise. So i would keep a food diary for a few days and then have a doctor\nutritionist have a look over might be surprised.

Best of luck with it
Hi, everyone!

I am looking for advice on getting back into shape. I am not much over weight, but I am not where I should be either. I am about 5ft 8in and 145 pounds. The other evening in class, when we were doing stretching, I really realized how out of shape I am. :erg:

Also, I need to work on my balance.. any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

I'm 5' 8" and weigh 168.What's your problem? You sound like you are thin, not overweight (I'm not, at most 5 lbs is all I can loose now and then I'll be at the perfect weight for my height.)

I suggest a gym and get into weighlifting. That will add strong muscles. And while you are there, jog some on the treadmills to gain stamina. Streaching? Try PNF (easy to look up on the net.)

Cardio: Walk then work up to some light jugging then go from there.

Resistance: Bodyweight or weightlifting. Resistance training is almost essential espically for women and osteo. prevention.

Check out some sites like or
Hello, The easiest is just go "walking" and build up to jogging till you can go for one hour or more.

At home another one that builts cardio and give you a "great work-out"...Just jumb rope and build on it till you can reach at least 10 minutes or more. Very small cost for equitment here.

Next off course like everyone mention...pusih-up, sit-ups and we like to add squats....each one you will want to increase the amount as time goes by....start from where you are and each week increase it by a small number (2000?) ...ok 5 maybe..

From there just add what you people do in classes....


EAT the right foods left ones ...aka....left overs


PS: Drink lots of water too! (no need 2000 gals)...just a few quarts aday
I definetly need to do push ups to help build the strentgh in my arms.

For push ups....The best bet if you're not good at them, start out with your knees on the ground and do "half body push ups." Start out doing them in sets. Do 10, then rest for a few minutes, then do another 10, then rest and do that until you reach some set number, start at 30 or 40 and just start upping the number total and the number at a time.

Also, try diamond push ups (with your hands very close together) to build Triceps, and wide arm push ups, where your arms are wider than your shoulders for shoulder muscles. You can get a full body workout with just push ups if you're doing them right.
I'm 5' 8" and weigh 168.What's your problem? You sound like you are thin, not overweight (I'm not, at most 5 lbs is all I can loose now and then I'll be at the perfect weight for my height.)

I suggest a gym and get into weighlifting. That will add strong muscles. And while you are there, jog some on the treadmills to gain stamina. Streaching? Try PNF (easy to look up on the net.)


Like I said, I am not much overweight, but I could stand to lose a few pounds. Maybe 10 or so.

You don't have to be overweight to be out of shape. :D
Toning, felixibility and yes, stamina. I need to work on all of that.
for push ups:

Get yourself a deck of poker cards.

*each suit( diamonds, clubs, spades, hearts, etc). is a certain kind of pushup( normal, knuckle, finger, "diamond", etc).

*the number on the card is the number that you do.

*Repeat until you can't.

Shuffle the deck and every workout is different.

For extra variety, each suit could be a different calisthenic( hearts might be pushups, clubs, crunches, spades, mountain climbers, diamonds might be dive bombers, and so on.)
Hi, everyone!

I am looking for advice on getting back into shape. I am not much over weight, but I am not where I should be either. I am about 5ft 8in and 145 pounds. The other evening in class, when we were doing stretching, I really realized how out of shape I am. :erg:

Also, I need to work on my balance.. any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

Conditioning will come from regular training, but I would suggest something for cardio and building endurance that you enjoy, along with some body weight exercises to begin with. I would STRONGLY suggest a weight training regimin as you advance, as this will also build your endurance and enhance your quickness.

Being a TKD practitioner myself (getting ready to start a Black belt prep class in a couple weeks that should have me on course for an early August test date) and knowing what you are studying, I can tell you that what really helped me with my balance early on was drilling my stances and positions. Get so you can snap into those things and your balance will come along nicely. Remember, balance is having control over your body's momentum. Keep drilling your basic techniques as well.

...oh, and one more thing- stretch...a LOT...invest in a belt stretcher as well and use it frequently. Stretching improves your ROM, improving your ROM give you more strength, having more strength improves your ability to control your body's's a big circle.

Good luck!
for push ups:

Get yourself a deck of poker cards.

*each suit( diamonds, clubs, spades, hearts, etc). is a certain kind of pushup( normal, knuckle, finger, "diamond", etc).

*the number on the card is the number that you do.

*Repeat until you can't.

Shuffle the deck and every workout is different.

For extra variety, each suit could be a different calisthenic( hearts might be pushups, clubs, crunches, spades, mountain climbers, diamonds might be dive bombers, and so on.)

2 questions:
What are mountain climbers?
What are dive bombers?