Any herbal medicine to be taken for over-rushing of adrenaline?


Yellow Belt
Aug 28, 2008
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It seems that all i have to do is try to do things faster or even have a small amount of fear and the adrenaline rush I have is enormous.I sweat profusely which could be due to a condition called Hyperhidrosis. All it takes is a little sun and my skin from head to toe heats up quickly. Therefore I think i have a Yang overload or probably the Yang element in me is more and there is no balance.

Even worse is I feel wierd when being in confrontations when the adrenaline rushes more than usual (as compared to any normal individual).Anyone know the proper herbal medicine I can take?I used to take this Rhino water(which doesn't really have any rhinoceneros in it) but it seems no different than normal cold water.
Any TCM practitioner worth their cheese is going to want to take a pulse and see your tongue prior to making recommendations. It's one thing to assume it's a yangqi influence; it's another to identify what's rising from where, to where, and if we are looking causally at an excess conformation of deficiency conformation.

My advice would be to find a TCM practitioner, and get an eval. You're likely to get better results than what you'll recieve from some bunch of yay-hoo's on a martial arts site...myself included.

Best Regards,

Any TCM practitioner worth their cheese is going to want to take a pulse and see your tongue prior to making recommendations. It's one thing to assume it's a yangqi influence; it's another to identify what's rising from where, to where, and if we are looking causally at an excess conformation of deficiency conformation.

My advice would be to find a TCM practitioner, and get an eval. You're likely to get better results than what you'll recieve from some bunch of yay-hoo's on a martial arts site...myself included.

Best Regards,


HEY!!!! :ticked: WHO YOU CALLIN A YAY-HOO!!! :mst: :uhyeah:

Now to the serious part of my post


Find a Qualified TCM Practitioner that is "TRAINED" in herbal.

Just because they know acupuncture or tui na does not mean they know squat about herbal.

My wife has patients bring her herbal formulas form other TCM practitioners from time to time and they are generally, at best, incomplete.

Where are you located? I know of a few from Beijing University of TCM that also practiced in hospitals before coming to the states maybe one is near your location.