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tkdgirl said:
:p !!! I've been to a lot of places with warmer climates, but still... Right now I'm in a heat wave, which means the temps have felt like 110- 113. It's supposed to really cool off tomorrow.

I don't know, but here's a wild guess= funnel cakes. Hot dogs aren't exactly "light," if you mean nutritious. Well, funnel cakes aren't either really... Fried isn't good for you, and hot dogs have a lot of sodium and "mystery" stuff.

How hot is it in Texas right now?

Today it was only 105 and heat index of about 112 not bad for a thursday.
7starmantis said:
No one to explain the term "pine-ing" for someone?
My dictionary says (Pining) :Middle English, from Old English pīnian to suffer, from (assumed) Old English pīn punishment, from Latin poena -- more at PAIN
1 : to lose vigor, health, or flesh (as through grief) : LANGUISH
2 : to yearn intensely and persistently especially for something unattainable <they still pined for their lost wealth>

What is the difference between the Star of David and the Pentagram?
Nevada_MO_Guy said:
What is the difference between the Star of David and the Pentagram?

Star of David has six points and a pentagram has 5 points.

What is the highest number of pets you have owned at a time?
Coins, and have done so since I was 3. Obviously parents helped at that young of an age, and I wanted to keep collecting when I got older and understood what I was doing. I don't collect things that I have to shell out a lot of money for, though.

What is the most embarassing thing you have done- either on purpose or by accident?
On a whim and as a goof I entered a dance contest. . . .and WON! The prize was a George Thouroughgood album (this was late 80s).

I'm going to repeat that question. What is the most embarassing thing you have done- either on purpose or by accident?
crushing said:
I'm going to repeat that question. What is the most embarassing thing you have done- either on purpose or by accident?

Restart this thread... at least recently!

Why are so many people posting on the "The Last Person..." thread, and how can that be expanded to the rest of the board?
Ceicei said:
Neither. I prefer XBox.

Tonight, what do you plan to do after getting off MartialTalk?

You mean you get off of MartialArts talk!!!!

Why did my car break down on the way home?
Xue Sheng said:
You mean you get off of MartialArts talk!!!!

Why did my car break down on the way home?
When that **** cut you off in traffic, a sudden increase in your chi interfered with the car's electrical system.

What is your favorite dish that includes lime (slice, juice, zest, whatever)?
crushing said:
What is your favorite dish that includes lime (slice, juice, zest, whatever)?
Fresh, homemade guacamole.

What is the bodily element that brings about queasiness in you? (e.g. blood, guts, broken bones, your own, others, bodily emissions)
JeffJ said:
Should I watch X-men or Fight Club tonight?

Hmmmm... Movie with a plot vs. Famke Janssen (sp?)... Tough choice. I'd probably go with Fight club. :D

Should I go out to dinner tonite, or stay in and cook?
OUMoose said:
Should I go out to dinner tonite, or stay in and cook?

That depends on whether you've got any decent food in the house.

What's something interesting you can do with a whole, ripe pumpkin besides carve it or bake it?
Lisa said:
Shoot it. :D

Why is it I can't sleep well the week before I go on vacation?
'Cause your apprehensive about not being able to tease me.

Will me new drivers license pic make me look like a dork as usual?
JeffJ said:
'Cause your apprehensive about not being able to tease me.

Will me new drivers license pic make me look like a dork as usual?

Yes. :p

Why are there so many wasps this year?