Master Black Belt
Google child support horror stories and read some wodnerful stories.
NYS says that 17% is what you pay for 1 child based on your potential earning ability.
Yeah, potential. Not actual. They do not care if you have money for rent, heat, electric or even food and medicine. Just pay them what they decided you should, otherwise they will steal (sorry, garnish) bank accounts, steal (I mean sieze) assets, and do their best to destroy you mentally, emotionally and physically. Accuracy in record keeping is a joke.
That right there is sooooooo true. They don't even take into account what kind of bills you have or what not...just take money off the top and then if you have to change your lifestyle then so be it.
Then to add insut to injury most women willsay "you don't pay enough" and want the fathers to come off more money. The whole system is a joke and it favors women to the extreme. Men are seen as people who are good enough to pay child support but not good enough to raise a child.
I am going thru my own custody battle right now and I have gotten hosed on things where the judge later comes back and says "im sorry i made a mistake". The best interest of the child is so subjective it isn't even close to being funny. The system enables women to do this and there is nothing to prevent it.
The only way some sort of change will happen is if judges are held accountable for their decisions. I have seen some men come off $700/month in child support for 1 child and I will tell you in no way in this world does it take $700month to raise a child, not to mention they don't even consider how much the mother makes in some states.