Another MT Play Date

Thanks for the write-up. It was a lot of fun hanging out and getting a introductory feel for how your art is practiced. Great experiencing and you really got my wrist tingling on that knife hand block that time. Here's hoping we're able to make that trip a more regular occurrence and that we get to meet again. I was impressed with the

So we covered a few variants of Kotogaeshi, right? Would love for you to share a recap of what we covered here.

P.S. I don't care what the other students in the class whispered to me, I think the skirt is bad-***.
You were doing knife defenses?! Oh MAN! Those are my favorite. Wish I could be there to expose you to the famous Hobbit slash. @gpseymour actually devised a defense for it.
Lol, apologies was just going off Gerry’s initial post. To each their way of life.
Seriously, first of all, I think the hakama are very cool-looking. And they have a fascinating history associated with the samurai. Second, I don't think a whole lot of people realize what an interesting and challenging tool a hakama can be. It imitates wearing an actual skirt for a woman or a wide coat for either gender. You learn to mind it and watch where you put your feet.
Seriously, first of all, I think the hakama are very cool-looking. And they have a fascinating history associated with the samurai. Second, I don't think a whole lot of people realize what an interesting and challenging tool a hakama can be. It imitates wearing an actual skirt for a woman or a wide coat for either gender. You learn to mind it and watch where you put your feet.

That’s very cool.
I must say @lansao , I'm just disappointed there wasn't more time - I wish you could have come over and had dinner with us. As @gpseymour will tell you - we are very fond of entertaining and feeding people, but we don't get to do it nearly as much as we'd like. We both cook, and I often do Russian and Ukrainian food.
I must say @lansao , I'm just disappointed there wasn't more time - I wish you could have come over and had dinner with us. As @gpseymour will tell you - we are very fond of entertaining and feeding people, but we don't get to do it nearly as much as we'd like. We both cook, and I often do Russian and Ukrainian food.
Thank you, I felt the same. On future trips I'll see if I can't find more time (my kids will get older and hopefully more independent too).
Thank you, I felt the same. On future trips I'll see if I can't find more time (my kids will get older and hopefully more independent too).
Or bring them over and they can play with the animals while we three sneak off an try to injure one another.
Or bring them over and they can play with the animals while we three sneak off an try to injure one another.
SOME animals. You know full well what the 24-pound cat does when he doesn't feel like playing. I know you don't mind it when he decides to go bowling using the little dog, but what if he tries using other people's children?
SOME animals. You know full well what the 24-pound cat does when he doesn't feel like playing. I know you don't mind it when he decides to go bowling using the little dog, but what if he tries using other people's children?

24lbs? That’s like, a prehistoric cat.
24lbs? That’s like, a prehistoric cat.
Our vet says he is not fat - just super-big.
These are giant cats. I love big ones, they behave like dogs lol. I’m allergic to them but nothing a preemptive Zyrtec can’t fix.
He acted quite a bit like a dog. When I’d come home, he’d be wagging his tail, made this odd yelp like he was trying to bark, then walk over to his food bowl. He’d come over whenever I’d call him and tried to get me to scratch him behind his ears.

I’m not a big cat guy, but him, his “sister” and the one we currently have were/are great.