Got to train with another MT member last night

Tony Dismukes

MT Moderator
Staff member
I'm slowly working my way through the list of MartialTalk forum members that I want to meet in real life and train with. Last night it was @gpseymour. He came through town on a business trip and stopped in to train for a few hours. We shared techniques, discussed theory and training methods, and generally had a fun time. He brought along a friend of his from Louisville, Mike Castro, who is a very experienced Kali/Silat practitioner. Mike added some excellent insights to the conversation and I'm hoping to have a chance to connect with him and pick his brain in the future.
Ah that's so cool, you would've had a ball! It's nice when a forum can provide that platform and opportunity :)
I'm slowly working my way through the list of MartialTalk forum members that I want to meet in real life and train with. Last night it was @gpseymour. He came through town on a business trip and stopped in to train for a few hours. We shared techniques, discussed theory and training methods, and generally had a fun time. He brought along a friend of his from Louisville, Mike Castro, who is a very experienced Kali/Silat practitioner. Mike added some excellent insights to the conversation and I'm hoping to have a chance to connect with him and pick his brain in the future.
It was tons of fun. I'm more than a little jealous of the set-up at 4 Seasons, Tony. Seems like a good group of people - everyone I managed to meet was friendly, and all the students/attendees were working diligently. Tons of mat space, divided into a several areas and a lot going on at the same time. I'm still hearing the end-of-round chime going off in my head.

Good discussions, and lots of food for thought. Tony helped me spot some significant technical issues in my (limited) ground work. Next time (hopefully not going to take another 2-3 years, like this trip did) I hope to manage to get in some free-rolling. Some with Tony (so I can see how quickly he can destroy me on the ground) and with some of the students during class (so I can see how well I can control someone of more moderate technical skill).

Tony also quickly simplified my concepts on some of my groundwork, with a sort of unifying principle that pulls together bridging, shrimping, and a technical get-up. I love that, and now I have a single point to build from.

All in all, Tony gave much more than I did, and it is much appreciated.
By the way, for anyone who gets a chance to go play with Tony, watch him. He's very slow and methodical (the "Sloth Jiujutsu" patch should be a warning) and will slowly and methodically show you exactly where you've left him an opening. You'll see it coming. You might even know what he's about to do. He'll probably do it, anyway. And then, just when you're sure you can stop that slow stuff, he'll demonstrate that this particular sloth isn't always slow.

Annoying bastard. I highly recommend it.
It's a small world and always great to train with new people and especially people from MartialTalk! Gpseymour I did not know that you knew Mike! He stopped by here last year for a session with some of my guys. Small world!!! ;)
Folks I've gotten the chance to work with already:
@yak sao
@Brian R. VanCise
@Bill Mattocks

The list of folks I still want to meet is pretty long. Some of the top names would be @Buka, @Xue Sheng, @Kung Fu Wang, @Chris Parker, @Spinedoc, @Danny T, @Tez3, @JowGaWolf, @drop bear, @elder999, @geezer, @Langenschwert, and @Blindside. (Plus many more, those are just the first names that came to mind.)

Airlie beach is a nice part of Australia by the way. Good enough for brangalina.
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It's a small world and always great to train with new people and especially people from MartialTalk! Gpseymour I did not know that you knew Mike! He stopped by here last year for a session with some of my guys. Small world!!! ;)
I ran into Mike years ago on some MA forum. His old Triple Impact seminars were my first exposure to both MMA (actually BJJ) and FMA.