Anniverary Thread


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
On July 17Th 2007 me and my wife Yolanda better known as Boriuatkd celebrated are 18 year together. All though I may not say this enough to her she is my reason for living and without her I could not see myself being where I am today. My only regret is back in the early years I wish I would have appreciated her more. To my only true love Happy Anniversary and keep training.
Love Terry
On July Th 2007 me and my wife Yolanda better known as Boriuatkd celebrated are 18 year together. All though I may not say this enough to her she is my reason for living and without her I could not see myself being where I am today. My only regret is back in the early years I wish I would have appreciated her more. To my only true love Happy Anniversary and keep training.
Love Terry

Nicely stated! Uh... but what was the date? It seems to have vanished into cyberspace - or did you leave it off on purpose? :lol:
Nicely stated! Uh... but what was the date? It seems to have vanished into cyberspace - or did you leave it off on purpose? :lol:

sorry it was july 17th do not know what happen but will fix it.
Happy Anniversary, my friend.

As I said elsewhere here recently, there is nothing better in the world for a man than the love of a good woman and nothing better for a woman than the love of a good man.
Happy Anniversary!!!
A most happy anniversary to you and Yolanda, Terry!

Happy Anniversary to both of you! Congratulations on your accomplishment!