Ann Coulter on Rupert Murdoch

That facts are non-debatable

the trail is proven, Soros, and BILLIONS of dollars into progressive agencies around the world, all pushing an agenda, and all buying power and influence

and you say it is "a gnats pecker"

not sure if it is dishonesty or the other one, but its one of the two with you.

here is another term you can google

"Partisan hack"

Looking in the mirror again, are you?

Are you critical of entities like the Koch Brothers or any other conservative entity from doing the same thing. God knows you apparently support Murdoch's spying game, as you think the media is being to hard on him. Considering his employees hacked a dead girl's cell phone and deleted messages that could have aided the police in their investigation, he'd be getting off easy if he were to go to jail.

To paraphrase one of your former presidents, the buck stops with him.
your pants are on pants on fire dude

there is NO evidence out there that it is Murdoch's game, no matter how many lies you make up, if there is any evidence that Rupert Murdoch KNEW and SUPPORTED this operation, then post it, otherwise? we all know you are dishonest and a hack, and you are proving it once again by posting yet more attacks and lies about what you imagine I support.....

if you have to lie to make a point, you dont have one

the koch brothers dont tank an entire nations currency for kicks.....

so, comeback when you actually HAVE something, k?
Looking in the mirror again, are you?

Are you critical of entities like the Koch Brothers or any other conservative entity from doing the same thing. God knows you apparently support Murdoch's spying game, as you think the media is being to hard on him. Considering his employees hacked a dead girl's cell phone and deleted messages that could have aided the police in their investigation, he'd be getting off easy if he were to go to jail.

To paraphrase one of your former presidents, the buck stops with him.
Did you observe Soros doing any of this? I assume not, so it's not a fact is it?

it has been observed and proven, your distraction tactics not withstanding.

typical leftist, when confronted with damning facts, attack the person, to distract from the facts......

people like you make me laugh, .

simple measuring stick too

is it:

till it is all 3, it is just an educated guess.

Like the movement of electrons in the flow of electrical power. We can recreate it, we can measure it, but we cant really observe it. so we dont really KNOW how it works, we just know that it does.

I am no luddite, i just know the difference between theory and fact

your own words on what constitutes a fact....if you didn't observe it , it's not a fact.
It is passingly entertaining how, since Coulter's facts are so meticulously documented, they attack her appearance, education, vocation, etc.
Almost like watching George W Bush get blamed for everything up to and including the fall of man...
liberals cant take citique, so they attack the critic. When it is a woman, it is fiar game to attack everything about her, since she is a traitor to "real women" by being a conservative. Look at how Palin and Bachman are treated.....
your pants are on pants on fire dude

there is NO evidence out there that it is Murdoch's game, no matter how many lies you make up, if there is any evidence that Rupert Murdoch KNEW and SUPPORTED this operation, then post it, otherwise? we all know you are dishonest and a hack, and you are proving it once again by posting yet more attacks and lies about what you imagine I support.....

if you have to lie to make a point, you dont have one

the koch brothers dont tank an entire nations currency for kicks.....

so, comeback when you actually HAVE something, k?

God damn, you are so ****ing EASY!!! :soapbox:

You can't even recognize that I'm using techniques and tactics perfected and frequently used by you, even on this thread!

Thanks, Twinney, you made my day! It was fun playing with your hypocrisy.

Coulter has made it a long way. My only beef with her is that she is quite capable of lying in an attempt to make a point.

And Bob, I know I deserve your righteous wrath over this, but I warned you while we waited almost an hour for our ribs. :lol:
you just make **** up as you go along dont you?

you LIED, you made **** up out of whole cloth, and passed it out as fact, when it wasnt

i pointed it out.

you can call it whatever, but you just look worse the more you carry on.
you just make **** up as you go along dont you?
Not generally. Just when mocking a master.
you LIED, you made **** up out of whole cloth, and passed it out as fact, when it wasnt
Kind of familiar, isn't it

i pointed it out.

you can call it whatever, but you just look worse the more you carry on.

Think about that. Just A. Little. Bit.
Bottom line, Ann Coulter is great. Her latest book is really good, she makes great points, doesn't cave to the liberal pressure groups, doesn't back down to the liberal bullies, she drives the right people nuts and she is out there trying to teach the feckless republicans in political office that they don't have to roll over for the democrats. Love her and the work she does. That is all there is to it. So there.
Think about that. Just A. Little. Bit.

please post ANY lie i have posted

not opinions you disagree with, but LIES

if you can,

or do you just accuse people of doing exactly what you do in some wierd, albiet LAME attempt to confuse the issue?

that would be guess since it is an other classic liberal tactic. Tell lies, and accuse others of lying, to cover up your lie......Classic Alynsky
perfect summation of why leftists lie do damned much

As for leftist "watchdogs" such as MM, there's a good reason why they lie:

Because the right generally doesn't.
While there are exceptions, the right is more likely to seek Truth and be accurate in its reportage and commentary. Thus, the left can't demonize the right without using deception.
And the left does this without batting an eye. As I often point out, leftists are relativists, meaning that they don't believe in Absolute Truth. Because of this, the Truth means nothing to them, and they lie like they breathe. And the more relativism has imbued them on a visceral level, the more they'll be able to lie without compunction, without reservation, without guilt.
This mindset is hard for many people to grasp. After all, the average person isn't a moral philosopher; he may not even be able to define moral relativism. But the Truth likely occupies a special place in his mind. Oh, he may sometimes lie, but he nevertheless senses that Truth possesses special value.
To a hard-core relativistic leftist, there is no Truth, only "truths." And a person's "truth" is just his own perspective. It thus possesses no special status. This failure to recognize transcendent Truth - that great author of morality - causes the leftist to become his own source of right and wrong. His desires then take on the character of Truth in his own mind, and, consequently, whatever contradicts them takes on the character of a lie. This is what enables a leftist to condemn those who speak the Truth as liars. They have contradicted the only god the leftist knows - himself.
Bottom line, Ann Coulter is great. Her latest book is really good, she makes great points, doesn't cave to the liberal pressure groups, doesn't back down to the liberal bullies, she drives the right people nuts and she is out there trying to teach the feckless republicans in political office that they don't have to roll over for the democrats. Love her and the work she does. That is all there is to it. So there.

Ann Coulter is Great
According to news releases today, the whistleblower who helped the Brits with thier inviestigation said that Mr murdoch's son knew about and approved of the tactices being used. Supposedly, this is backed up by emails. If this is true, then at least one member of high management should be prosecuted.

If a political commentator goes on a national show and states that we bombed Egypt, then back tracks to say we threatened to bomb Egypt and that is why there was regime change there, they lose tons of credability with me. It doesn't matter who's side they represent. Falshoods are falshoods, no matter how deprately you want to make your point. Coulter did this on Bill Mahr's show.
Bottom line, Ann Coulter is great. Her latest book is really good, she makes great points, doesn't cave to the liberal pressure groups, doesn't back down to the liberal bullies, she drives the right people nuts and she is out there trying to teach the feckless republicans in political office that they don't have to roll over for the democrats. Love her and the work she does. That is all there is to it. So there.

Many people disagree with that notably Piers Morgan, Rick Sanchez, and many who agree might be sporting a crush on Ms. Coulter....Only if Howard Stern was as pretty. The good thing is she is out there for people to cheer or jeer. It makes the game of politics interesting, distracting from the dirty, real world politics. And the left has their shock pundits too that do the real same thing. Most evidently the saddest thing that can be said about our modern day politics, it's a game that is entertaining. Partisan fans (voters with party affiliation) taking sides and cheering or jeer bombastic shock pundits. I repeat an era far beyond Orwell's imagination.

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