Ann Coulter on Rupert Murdoch

But I suppose Anne Coulter's efforts are along the line of 'how can I squeeze my **** in front of the camera and get some attention around here!'
I'm pretty sure that if this had occurred within a liberal corporate empire, you'd be screaming for the CEO's head.

and you would be wrong, i wasnt after Les Moonves' head when his people FLAT OUT CREATED EVIDENCE in an attempt to influence an election

so you are wrong.
i spelled a word wrong, simple mistake, you keep harping on it, thats being an ***. What are you? 12?

also, doesnt matter how much you blather on, 1) i dont care what you think and 2) it still isnt a fact

your saying so isn't a fact sorry. Her JD doesn't compare to ph.ds in molecular biology. You need more "maticulous" research, and perhaps better debating skill than would be found in a school yard.

If it isn't a fact then you will be quite all right with freeing anyone convicted with DNA evidence?
i spelled a word wrong, simple mistake,
Aye, something we've all done at sometime or other.

also, doesnt matter how much you blather on, 1) i dont care what you think
That's perfectly within your rights :nods:.

and 2) it still isnt a fact
Er, kind of is, John. As much as anything is and rather more rigorously investigated than many things {assuming that this was directed at the theory of Evolution}. Sadly, even if Homo Erectus and Neaderthal were still around to tell you so, I get the feeling that even that wouldn't be enough to sway you. The power of rational thought is not yet sufficient to overcome a lifetime of indoctrination ...

... but with the application of a little magnetic field to the brain that can be sorted out {cue evil villain laughter}.
Can't say - I know the name but I am much more aware of the corrupting media machinations of Mr. Murdoch. Is it worth my time to dig into Soros? Or would it just depress me even more about the parlous state of the human spirit?
hold on Mark

I have no doubt at all about the validity of the evolutionary theory


to dog on someone, as Ramirez did, becasue they say it isnt a "fact" is horse crap because it isnt a fact

we dont KNOW how it works and we cant replicate it, we can barely observe it, and most of that comes from the fossil record which is, by any standard, almost entirely incomplete.

i have no doubt it is true, but it isnt a proven fact. My belief in it not withstanding

Aye, something we've all done at sometime or other.

That's perfectly within your rights :nods:.

Er, kind of is, John. As much as anything is and rather more rigorously investigated than many things {assuming that this was directed at the theory of Evolution}. Sadly, even if Homo Erectus and Neaderthal were still around to tell you so, I get the feeling that even that wouldn't be enough to sway you. The power of rational thought is not yet sufficient to overcome a lifetime of indoctrination ...

... but with the application of a little magnetic field to the brain that can be sorted out {cue evil villain laughter}.
you seriously dont know who george soros is?


do some reading

Can't say - I know the name but I am much more aware of the corrupting media machinations of Mr. Murdoch. Is it worth my time to dig into Soros? Or would it just depress me even more about the parlous state of the human spirit?
I should have used a comma rather than a dash there I think :D. I meant to say that I couldn't judge whether Mr. Soros was worse or not than Mr. Murdoch as, altho' I know the name, that about delimits the extent of my knowledge about him :).
Can't say - I know the name but I am much more aware of the corrupting media machinations of Mr. Murdoch. Is it worth my time to dig into Soros? Or would it just depress me even more about the parlous state of the human spirit?

Well put. It would deffinately depress you more about the sad state of affairs in our world. :tink:

But just in case you have an interest.
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:chuckles: Is that the link you meant to put in there MaxiMe?

Ahh - corrected it as I typed :tup:.
Unlike Murdoch, George Soros doesn't have tentacles stretching into several of the worlds major governments with the intention of influencing policy, so it's not really an apt comparison.
Unlike Murdoch, George Soros doesn't have tentacles stretching into several of the worlds major governments with the intention of influencing policy, so it's not really an apt comparison.

Ahh I think messing with their enonomy might be a tenticle that deffinately influences policy.
you are either dishonest or WOEFULLY uninformed.

Soros has donated BILLIONS to political causes and groups.

Since 1979, Soros's foundation network -- whose flagship is theOpen Society Institute (OSI) -- has dispensed more than $5 billion to a multitude of organizations whose objectives are consistent with those of Soros. With assets of $1.93 billion as of 2008, OSI alone donates scores of millions of dollars annually to these various groups. Following is a sampling of the major agendas advanced by groups that Soros and OSI support financially. Listed under each category heading are a few OSI donees fitting that description.

read it and weap

So, which is it?

are you dishonest or uninformed?

Unlike Murdoch, George Soros doesn't have tentacles stretching into several of the worlds major governments with the intention of influencing policy, so it's not really an apt comparison.
Unlike Murdoch, George Soros doesn't have tentacles stretching into several of the worlds major governments with the intention of influencing policy, so it's not really an apt comparison.
In an interview with The Washington Post on November 11, 2003, Soros said that removing President George W. Bush from office was the "central focus of my life" and "a matter of life and death." He said he would sacrifice his entire fortune to defeat President Bush, "if someone guaranteed it."[SUP][48][/SUP] Soros gave $3 million to the Center for American Progress, $2.5 million to, and $20 million[SUP][49][/SUP] to America Coming Together. These groups worked to support Democrats in the 2004 election. On September 28, 2004 he dedicated more money to the campaign and kicked off his own multi-state tour with a speech: Why We Must Not Re-elect President Bush[SUP][50][/SUP] delivered at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. The online transcript to this speech received many hits after Dick Cheney accidentally referred to as "" in the Vice Presidential debate, causing the owner of that domain to redirect all traffic to Soros's site.[SUP][51][/SUP] Asked in 2006 about his statement in The Age of Fallibility that "the main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States", Soros responded that "it happens to coincide with the prevailing opinion in the world. And I think that's rather shocking for Americans to hear. The United States sets the agenda for the world. And the rest of the world has to respond to that agenda. By declaring a 'war on terror' after September 11, we set the wrong agenda for the world. [...] when you wage war, you inevitably create innocent victims."[SUP][52][/SUP]
[h=4][/h] According to Neil Clark in the New Statesman, Soros's role was crucial in the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe.[SUP][55][/SUP] From 1979, as an advocate of 'open societies', Soros financially supported dissidents including Poland's Solidarity movement, Charter 77 in Czechoslovakia and Andrei Sakharov in the Soviet Union[SUP][44][/SUP] donating $3 million a year according to Clark.[SUP][55][/SUP] In 1984, he founded his first Open Society Institute in Hungary and pumped millions of dollars into opposition movements and independent media. Since the fall of the Soviet Union, Soros' funding has continued to play an important role in the former Soviet sphere. His funding of pro-democratic programs in of Georgia was considered by Russian and Western observers to be crucial to the success of the Rose Revolution, although Soros has said that his role has been "greatly exaggerated

Some Soros-backed pro-democracy initiatives have been banned in Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan
No, no tentacles at all... :p
you are either dishonest or WOEFULLY uninformed.

Soros has donated BILLIONS to political causes and groups.

Since 1979, Soros's foundation network -- whose flagship is theOpen Society Institute (OSI) -- has dispensed more than $5 billion to a multitude of organizations whose objectives are consistent with those of Soros. With assets of $1.93 billion as of 2008, OSI alone donates scores of millions of dollars annually to these various groups. Following is a sampling of the major agendas advanced by groups that Soros and OSI support financially. Listed under each category heading are a few OSI donees fitting that description.

read it and weap

So, which is it?

are you dishonest or uninformed?


Anyone can give money to political groups that support their agenda, so that's irrelevent. Through his media empire, Murdoch had the British government by the balls to the the extent of Brooke 'suggesting' who should be the Prime Minister's comms director ( a NewsCorp stooge, naturally). Compared to Murdoch, Soros' tentacle is about the size of a gnat's pecker on the international stage

And yeah, I know about his shorting of the British Pound just prior to a devaluation (gotta love Google).
Ah, that'll be why his name was familiar to me! I knew that in my memory it was being said by Paxman in a Newsnight type setting :D :tup:.
That facts are non-debatable

the trail is proven, Soros, and BILLIONS of dollars into progressive agencies around the world, all pushing an agenda, and all buying power and influence

and you say it is "a gnats pecker"

not sure if it is dishonesty or the other one, but its one of the two with you.

here is another term you can google

"Partisan hack"


Anyone can give money to political groups that support their agenda, so that's irrelevent. Through his media empire, Murdoch had the British government by the balls to the the extent of Brooke 'suggesting' who should be the Prime Minister's comms director ( a NewsCorp stooge, naturally). Compared to Murdoch, Soros' tentacle is about the size of a gnat's pecker on the international stage

And yeah, I know about his shorting of the British Pound just prior to a devaluation (gotta love Google).

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