Planet of the Apes, anyone?


Yellow Belt
I just recently saw the new "Rise of the Planet of the Apes". I was actually pretty impressed, it wasn't a bad movie. For those of you who havn't seen it, here's a quick recap...

A scientist's dad has Alzheimer's and he is working on a cure for it. What he comes up with is a form of man made virus that inhibits the brain from producing PKR, which is a gene produced by the human brain at the onset of Alzheimer's. They give the virus to monkeys and it not only repairs the damaged cells in the brain, but increases the neuro function and causes the apes to become super smart. eventually they rebel.

Pretty crazy science fiction, right? Well......

Scientists, working on a cure for Alzheimer's, have just came up with a "super pill" that not only prohibits the production of PKR but, when given to test mice in lab settings, greatly increases there neurological impulses and increases their brain function and memory. They give the pill to mice and have them try out this "puzzle". Normally it takes the mice days to figure out and then remember how to do this test, but with the PKR inhibitor drug, they are able to not only figure it out the first time, but remember how to do it immediately afterwards.

They implications of this are... astounding. Of course, the creators said "...the goal is not to create a new society of super-memory powered people.", but i'm sure some higher-up somewhere has already been pumpin this into test subjects to see the military and strategic advantages.

This is amazing what we can accomplish as a human race, but when does it go to far? Saving people from brain degeneration is one thing, but creating "super humans".... scary. :eek:

Here's the story...

This was the better of the attempt to revive the Pierre Boulle novels to films again. Tim Burton's vision had wonderful make up effects but the story was just too lackadaisical to make people want to stay and watch it. The originals suffered from progressive budget cuts. Seems that every time they made a sequel they had to do it for less money and thus production suffered. There was a saturday morning cartoon show that was... meh not too bad, and a one season wonder of a tv series.
This one using all CGI apes and motion capture still needed something in the story line to really capture an audience. I saw it in the theater and thought it... okay.