OUMoose said:
I prefer to use the moral dilemma that you could cure cancer, but for whatever reason, you'd have to eviscerate your newbord son/daughter to do it... Could you?
To answer Corporal Hicks, I don't believe we're on par with animals, which also entails that we're above the wholesale slaughter/torture of them. Personally, I say we use another group of animals. Convicts. No-chance-of-parole lifers, or death-row inmates. They've proven they're less than human by some sort of depraved act, and they're kept in cages for their life (just like the lab animals). Solve two problems with one solution! But wait, that would be "cruel and unusual punishment", right? Hmmm... dilemmas...
As for the first part, weighing it all up, I could not do it, I freely admit that I could not. I have never had a son or daughter, being 17 thats not for a while yet (I hope).
But that is simply a imagined moral dilemma thats been put there for a basis of this kind of arguement, it trys to compare the current situation with this falsified one and some people find it irritating when its done so. The point is, I don't neither does anybody else here (I hope also) have to eviscerate their newborn son or daughter so they can find a cure of cancer. So why use that moral dilemma?
Ok, say for the sake of arguement I did have to. Now tell me, who would suffer pyschologically more....
Myself having to eviscerate my children.
Or a dog having to eviscerate its (which is not possible so lets say somebody else did it and the dog was watching).
Who is going to feel the after effects more? Me or the dog?
This I suppose bringing it back to what somebody else stated earlier about there being a higher state of consiousness within humans. The dog may know at that present moment it has lost something, it doesnt understand why or how, it maybe feels it, but within a couple of days/weeks its forgotten, unless somebody can show a study which disproves it either way?
The moral dilemmas that I was referring to were situations such as:
Your a train operator, the bridge is up and the trains hurtling towards the bridge. You can lower the bridge and definately save the passengers but in doing so you will kill your son who is trapped in the machinery of the bridge. Or you can save your son, and risk killing those on the train when it rides off the bridge. You have five seconds, what do you decide?
I point I'm trying to make is, deal with the situation at hand. Thats the most important factor!
As for the second part. I have to say I totally agree with you!!! But what if I said to you, your son's one of those convicts? Still want to test on him?
No offence meant at all, just trying to debate!
Kind Regards