Anger and the Stoics

You can’t say that about the Bible/Koran/Tanakh! 😳

Fictional literature is the equivalent of TV drama. They’re fun, they’re escapism, they’re easy and there’s nothing wrong with that. Occasionally you get a really entertaining one; Da Vinci Code ≡ Dexter and an rarer event, a true classic, Sopranos/Breaking Bad ≡ Never Let Me Go/Project Hail Mary. But they’re just story books; an evolution of those one page stories you were made to write in school.

Reading a factual book like an autobiography is at another level. ‘Carrying the Fire’ by Apollo 11 astronaut Michael Collins is more incredible and it’s true! Alan Bean (Apollo12) describing looking back at the earth, encircled by a rainbow and equatorial silently raging thunderstorms like a string of transient pearls and then the moon reflected, a wondrous but foreboding jewel, in the Pacific ocean. The description of space-time - a substance 100 million times more rigid than steel - being bent in on itself into an infinitely deep depression by and infinitely dense and infinitely small star that has collapsed in on itself under it’s own gravity to create the most terrifying structure in the universe, a black hole! The subtle changes in brain structure/chemistry that render a person unable to to the most basic of abilities; to put themselves in the mind of another person, to feel and express emotion and, depending upon their socioeconomic background, become either serial killers or high achieving, ruthless, electric car/space company executives (😉). Aren’t those more incredible than any possible fiction because they’re true? It’s a delicious and nutritious meal compared to cheese cake and we know what happens if you only eat cheese cake - Rand Dump Lot/Darn Mud Plot/Pad Mold Runt/Rand Dump Lot. 😉

I do enjoy the occasional Dexter though, despite all those yawning plot holes.

I can say anything I want about the books you mentioned.
Unless you’re the book police.
Just out of curiosity, other than weapon ownership, what particular freedoms do US citizens have over Europeans, for example, making it the ‘land of the freeze’?

I have no idea. Never been to Europe.
I imagine there’s better Health Care over there, probably more civilized and honest Law Enforcement.
Grey’ Just say it! You like words for their obtuse, indirectness, I enjoy clarity…at times

Because it wouldn't convey exactly the mood or the setting or the meaning that the author was trying to communicate. It's THE seminal work in the cyberpunk genre and it sets the tone of dystopian high-tech malaise.

They didn’t read out loud too…

The Greeks famously read aloud.

Do you think haiku are ‘blunt’ and thus unworthy? Take Bashō’s most famous haiku…read it aloud.

Haiku are beautiful because they are constrained to rules which forces the author to be concise and at the same time deliver as much poetic meaning as possible. Also they're poems, you can't compare them to your typical stories.

The tortoise and the hare is read to children for their simpler minds to grasp.

Developing minds, not simpler. Hence the importance of the fictional medium. Aesop wept.
Just out of curiosity, other than weapon ownership, what particular freedoms do US citizens have over Europeans, for example, making it the ‘land of the freeze’?

One more thing about your post. I no longer consider weapon ownership a freedom.
Gun ownership over here has become radicalized to the point of it being a serious danger.
I have no idea. Never been to Europe.
I imagine there’s better Health Care over there, probably more civilized and honest Law Enforcement.
I was meaning things like…anybody in the U.K. could burn a Union flag without being arrested, or we could publicly suggested the King is c**t without problems etc.

The `metropolitan `police (London) are peppered with dishonest, immoral, racist rapists!
Gun ownership over here has become radicalized to the point of it being a serious danger.
When the government is unable to protect its citizens and its policies actually foster violent crime, stable law-abiding people have an absolute right to defend themselves as necessary. Some reasonable restriction to ownership and type of firearms should exist I believe, but there is a basic right to possess weapons in the USA.

When the government can affect society to where violent crime is cut in half, another dialogue on additional limitations can begin.
When the government is unable to protect its citizens and its policies actually foster violent crime, stable law-abiding people have an absolute right to defend themselves as necessary. Some reasonable restriction to ownership and type of firearms should exist I believe, but there is a basic right to possess weapons in the USA.

When the government can affect society to where violent crime is cut in half, another dialogue on additional limitations can begin.
The more gun that a country has, the less street fight that country will have.

I saw 3 street fights in 1 day when I was in Canada. I haven't seen any street fight in US for the past 30 years.

When street fight can turn into gun kill, people will think twice before they start that street fight.
When the government is unable to protect its citizens
Well we’ll it’s a government not an omnipotent entity.
and its policies actually foster violent crime,
You mean internationally? Yes…
stable law-abiding people have an absolute right to defend themselves as necessary.
‘Stable’ being the operative word.

Imagine, if you will, a country which had no weapons but they did punch each other in the face when they defended themselves from muggers/intruders etc. Broken noses, fat lips, blackened eyes.

Then someone pulled a hefty branch from a tree and used that to defend themselves, but the miscreants did the same thing and people were suffering crushed fingers and limbs, painful contusions and even bashed skulls.The government of the time wanted to make branch ownership illegal because of the terrible bruises they were seeing reported, but the people protested saying they had some beautiful carved branches that were works of art and some used them in vermin control and general farming and even as in special bashing hobbies…The government, fearing losing their position of power, decided on a half-way house and licensed sticks and branches. Miscreants weren’t allowed to have them and the licensing offers ask the applicant directly, “Are you a miscreant?” and if they honestly answered “no” and their faces didn’t twitch or anything, then they were given a license. Of course anyone could see this was a completely ineffective scheme, instigated partly to appeases stick dealers, some of whom were in the government or related to members or paid it’s members for ‘favours’ and it allowed the people to keep nice shiny polished sticks, some finished in the fabulous N3 Nano Wood Finish, and having such sticks made the people feel safe and they liked the shiny sticks anyway. Secretly they knew that the meaningless licensing system meant everyone and anyone, including the miscreants could own some sort of stick and the people would have to obtain bigger sticks, but then so did the miscreants and this escalated until….someone, possibly a miscreant, realised they could hammer nails through the stick, coat it in broken glass or wrap barbed wire around it (Lucille) to make them more nasty/effective than the people’s stick. The people felt they had to follow suit rather than asking their government to tighten the licensing rules or even savagely restricting ownership as the had in the ‘mother country’ far across the sea, forcing people, despite their protests of ‘rights and traditions’, and “my grandpappy had a glassy stick and he lived, unscathed to 93”, to give up their sticks. Nasty stick ownership became more widespread, they were used for holding up shops, mugging, and even by organised violent criminals. Some young people would borrow legally licensed sticks with nails stuck through the and take them into school…😭

Then someone took a car leaf spring, cut it down to a reasonable length and sharpened the edges….anyway, you can see where I’m going with this…(Or I could’ve just said “your licensing laws are ineffectual. The only way to prevent a civilian arms race is to completely cut it off from the source, severely punish dealers who interpret the regulation too widely or even flaunt them, abolish lobbying groups and forbid politicians from having interests in arms sales”. But, some people only understand things via long drawn out fables 🙄)
Some reasonable restriction to ownership and type of firearms should exist I believe, but there is a basic right to possess weapons in the USA.
It should be a privilege only for those with science degrees and advanced degrees only 😑
When the government can affect society to where violent crime is cut in half, another dialogue on additional limitations can begin.
The assumption here, is that the majority of weapon-owning public are rational, reasonable and able to follow a reasoned argument showing them the folly of their ideas.

After much thought, I am pleased the UK’s weapons regulations are very tight and getting tighter still. It does mean people like me, have to jump through proverbial hoops for hours on end and endure anxiety and stress in order to have the privilege (not the right), of legally owning what are actually very fragile antique items, but if that means I can walk around my streets with a much lower risk of being a victim of violent crime, then I think it’s a price worth paying.
I was meaning things like…anybody in the U.K. could burn a Union flag without being arrested, or we could publicly suggested the King is c**t without problems etc.

The `metropolitan `police (London) are peppered with dishonest, immoral, racist rapists!
To be fair, you know how even us people from Wales call people from Lampeter sheepshaggers? Well, this can be abstracted to cover the case of police officers and the met...
Now there's a reframed insult for you. I think I can control what I say about police officers, at least to their face, the worst case scenario is that my friend the copper will read this, and I'm quite indifferent about that.
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Training my mind though isn't something I'm naturally given to. Let's face it, meditation is boring. I think I'll just read for a bit instead.
Let's not bandy words, how would YOU like it if I suggested that dark matter was a mathematical fiction cooked up to legitimise a flawed cosmological model?
Also, with the freedoms, we have what's sort of the reverse of nationalism here, like it's a patriotic duty to point out how awful Britain is. Patriotism makes us instantly suspicious. Which I don't think is something you could say about the USA

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