And The Answer Is

Questions for Friday the 27th

1. first karate master to teach Joe Lewis

2. Law of cause and effect

3. founder of the "Yoseikan" style of karate

4. New York karate instructor who produced ,in 1968, the American vs. the Orient team Championships
1. Shimabuka

2. I think in simplest terms it would be Karma

3. I dunno'

4. Aaron Banks (If it isn't, it should be!)

1. Eizo Shimabuka
2. Kama
3. Minoru Mochizuki
4.Aaron Banks (met him a few times he even considered having my son in a movie he was going to do)
Before I go on I have to say I am enjoying doing this thread because at one time I knew many of the answers and it is good for me to review all this material

Questions for Saturday

1. Japanese for "to strike"
2. who won the 1979 Black Belt Publishers award
3. Who authored "Mental Training of a Warrior"
4. former student of Yip Man who founded the International Wing Tsun Martial Arts Association and in what year
questions for Sunday the 29th

1. year of first Judo championships in Tokyo

2. A Samurai spear is called what

3. First sensei of Frank Ruiz

4.BJA stands for
1. I know this was during my lifetime. 1962?

2. Yeri

3. I think it was Peter Urban

4. No idea

1. 1956
2. yari (not sure on the spelling)
3. Peter Urban
4. British Judo association
questions for June 30

1. Who preformed a breaking demonstration at Madison Square Gardens in 1962 ( yes he is kind of famous)

2.Played the villain in "Slaughter in San Francisco"

3. The Iron Horse katas in Shotokan are called what

4. Shotokan kata named for a Buddhist temple
1. Has to be Mas Oyama

2. No idea

3 Painful

4. No idea

(I hate Shotokan guys. They punch holes in me.) :)

1. Mas Oyama
2. Chck Norris
3. Tekki
4. Jion

Cirdan was correct on 3 of the four ........ way to go
July 1 questions

1. founder of Texas Black Belt Academy

2. Korean for "front"

3. technique of ball and chain (Japanese)

4. Japanese elbow strike
wow getting more correct answers every day now that's great


1. Roy Kurban
2. Ahp
3. Gekikan-jutsu
4. Empi uchi
questions for July 2

1. Opened first Goju-ryu school in new Jersey

2. founded "the American Tae Kwon Do Association" in Little Rock, Arkansas

3. founded first regular judo club in France

4. wine drinking Taoist immortal
questions for July 2

1. Opened first Goju-ryu school in new Jersey

2. founded "the American Tae Kwon Do Association" in Little Rock, Arkansas

3. founded first regular judo club in France

4. wine drinking Taoist immortal

Here's my attempt:

1. Peter Urban
2. LEE Haeng Ung
3. KAWAISHI Mikinosuke
4. I can think of two: Li Bai (wine drinking poet-immortal) and Han Xian (one of the eight immortals)

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