And The Answer Is

1. In 1964 who preformed what may have been the first "Kali" demonstration at the International Karate

2. Who is considered by many father of American Tae Kwon Do ( hint was in DC area)

3. Founder of the Shindo Iten ryu style of Akido

4. Japanese for side elbow strike

1. Ben Laragusa (sp?)

2.Jhoon Rhee

3. Is there such a thing? I dunno......:lfao:

4. Yoko empi uchi
1. I don't remember. But, man, of all things in the past - that's one place I wish I was. Must have been something to see.

2 Jhoon Rhee.

3. No idea

4. I only know them as empi.
Elder999 is correct on numbers 1, 2 and 4
I think the spelling on one is Largusa
the answer to number 3 is Harunosuke Fukui
Wednesday the 11th

1.Okinwan fo "3 Battles"

2. What type of martial arts are Eishen-ryu and Muso-ryu

3. Name the only five black belt student of Dr. James Mitos { I know this may be controversial}
And the answers are:
1. sanchin
2. Iai jutsu

3. Thomas Young, William Chow, Paul Yanaguchi, Arthur Keawe, Edward Lowe
Thursday June 12th

1. Japanese for informal attention stance

2. Device used by Ninja to cross water

3. Judo kata either standing or sitting
Friday the 13th

1. winner of the 1967 and 1969 California State Championship
2. Legendary 16th century swordsman
3. Date and time of the first modern day Olympics
4. considered by many the forerunner of modern Karate

I may get to answer these very early or real late tomorrow I have a funeral to go to
1 Chuck Norris? (seems he won everything back then)
2 Musashi
3 Athens 1896, Time...summer?
4 I'd say either Okinawan something or Chinese Kempo (talk about hedging a bet!)

1. Ralph Castellanos
2. Musashi Miyamoto
3. Athens 1896
4. Te or Okinawan Te

Once again Buka has done a great job in answering
Saturday the 14

1. Founder of Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kawn

2. Known as the "Hermit Kingdom"

3. Japanese for chicken head wrist block
Great thread tshadowchaser! Very educational. :bangahead:

1) Hwang Kee

2) North Korea (current day)

3) Keito-uke
1. I dunno'

2 Korea (before it was split)

3 What Kurai said sounds right. All I could recall was Kato, Kuto etc.
questions for Sunday the 15th

1. Twice named "man of the Year" by Black Belt Hall of Fame

2. First Americanto teach Chito-ryu in the United States

3. Chiton-jitsu is what?
1. Bruce Lee?

2. No idea.

3. I donno'. (ustij-notihc spelled backwards?) :)

1. Ed Parker
2. William Dometrich
3. The use of metal, woo, earth,fore to help in escaping in Ninjutsu
Questions for Monday the 16th

1. anyone enjoying this thread besides me?

2. Who wrote "Chin-na: the art of self-defense ( I have read this a couple of times)

3. The Minamoto's clan color was what

4. Chinese Gung-Fu was written by what college student
Questions for Monday the 16th

1. anyone enjoying this thread besides me?

2. Who wrote "Chin-na: the art of self-defense ( I have read this a couple of times)

3. The Minamoto's clan color was what

4. Chinese Gung-Fu was written by what college student

1. I'm loving it!

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