And The Answer Is

1. who was the Japanese pro wrestler known as "JUMBO"

2. an energy that flows through the body is sometimes called
3. Chiato-to is what
My God, I had a senior moment there. I forgot Bob Wall? I forgot O'hara!

That kind of scares me.
1. Used to be a Japanese guy back a while ago, can't remember.

2 Chi

3. Not even a guess on that one.
1. name 2 pro wrestlers who where called "Chief"

2. Chang Ch'uan is what
3. a once popular (mid 1970 -late 1980's) Hawaiian wrestler
1. Tommy Tsuruta

2. Chi
3. an ancient form of Chinese wrestling

Chiato-to?? Where did you happen to see this? I'm curious because I've never heard/seen that before. I've only seen Jiao-di or Jiao-li (depending) for old wrestling before the Nanjing use of "Shuai Jiao".
Chiato-to?? Where did you happen to see this? I'm curious because I've never heard/seen that before. I've only seen Jiao-di or Jiao-li (depending) for old wrestling before the Nanjing use of "Shuai Jiao".

from an old group of papers I have from the early 80's also mentioned in a "panther publication" If it is not correct I apologize but it is what I had for information
Chief Jay Strongbow, and ......was Wahoo Mcdaniel called Chief?

2. Don't know.

3. Yokozuna
1. name 2 pro wrestlers who where called "Chief"

2. Chang Ch'uan is what
3. a once popular (mid 1970 -late 1980's) Hawaiian wrestler

2. Long Fist

3. Ricky Steamboat
and now number 1.
High Chief Peter Maivia
Chief Wahoo Mcdaniel
Chief Jay Strongbow
Chief Billy White Wolf
Chief Thundercloud
Chief Big Heart
Chief Chewacki (1)
Chief Chewacki (2)
Chief Kit Fox
Chief Little Eagle
Chief Little Wolf
Chief Thunderbird
Chief Thunder Mountain
Chief War Cloud
Chief White Cloud
Chief White Eagle
Chief White Owl
Chief War Eagle
1. who introduced GOJU_RYU to Australia
2. hichikyu and shichikyu mean what
3. who gave the most remembered demonstration of 1964 and where was it
Don't know the first two. Been racking my brain about the third one. Was Bruce Lee at Ed Parkers tourny that year? I seem to think that was later on, maybe 66 or 67, so I'm kind of stumped and stuck in 64.
1. who introduced GOJU_RYU to Australia
2. hichikyu and shichikyu mean what
3. who gave the most remembered demonstration of 1964 and where was it

1. Mervyn Oakley

2. Hachikyu = eighth rank, Shichikyu = seventh grade rank
3. Bruce Lee
1. wrote " Bushido: The Warriors Code"

2. Sean and Chan in " An Eye For An Eye" where played by
3. AKCKF is what
1. wrote " Bushido: The Warriors Code"

2. Sean and Chan in " An Eye For An Eye" where played by
3. AKCKF is what

I am leaving these up for a day but adding :

4. In 1989 Rutger Hauer made a martial arts movie what where the 2 names the movie was put out with
5. what famous movie did Toshiro Mifune star in in 1956
I am leaving these up for a day but adding :

4. In 1989 Rutger Hauer made a martial arts movie what where the 2 names the movie was put out with
5. what famous movie did Toshiro Mifune star in in 1956
I don't know the others, but 4 is Blind Fury, aka Zatoichi.

Guessing on number 5: Seven Samurai? It was around then.
1. Don't remember. ( I think I have the book)

2.Chuck Norris....and that other guy.

3. Don't know

4. Blind Fury (love it) I didn't know it had another title. Favorite scene - when their swords are locked at the hilt and Haur touches the other's face and says wryly, "Ah, Japanese.

5. Gotta be The Seven Samurai. (which later spawned The Magnificent Seven