And The Answer Is

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1. Ashi- Harai is what

2. In wrestling who was know as 'The Superstar"
3.. Mike Swan was Black Belt competitor of the year in what year
1. leg sweep!
2. thats easy even i know this one :) SUPERSTAR BILLY GRAHAM!

im the man of the hour the man with the power too sweet to be sour!
-billy graham
1. Striking with the sword edge of the foot

2. Tsutomu Oshima
3. Bando

Minor quibble, put out more for information than correction. Bando is more along the lines of "budo" or "wushu" or "martial arts". Some definitions are the "way of discipline" or "the way of the disciplined warrior." Traditional Burmese Boxing is Lethwei or Bama Lethwei. It's one element in the overall grouping of Bando, kind of like Kickboxing could be seen as a subset of the over all grouping of Sport Karate. (Yes, I know very simplified, there.)
1. A "pull them and sweep them" move.

2. Superstar Billy Graham. (he was fun to watch)

3. Don't know the name
1. who sang "Eye Of The Tiger"
2. William Cho's most famous student

3. A Urumi is what
1. Survivor. (we used to warm up to that song, it was fun and got you pumping)

2. Ed Parker was probably the most famous. But he trained a whole slew of well known guys.

3. Don't know.
1. A Nakadaka-ippon-ken is what
2. 1982 Black Belt competitor of the year
3. founder of the U.S. Congressional Tae Kwon Do Clu
1. Noogies!

2. I remember that year, remember the guy. Steve AssHat GoScrewYourself

3. Don't know. Was it a Congressman or a martial Arts guy?
1. A Nakadaka-ippon-ken is what
2. 1982 Black Belt competitor of the year
3. founder of the U.S. Congressional Tae Kwon Do Clu
1. A middle finger one knukle punch

2. ROFLMAO...........II messed up lets try tis one again once I rewrite it you will understand
3. Jhoon Rhee
1. Black Belt 1982 JUDO competitor of the year

2. 1981 Black Belt Instructor of the year
3. mawashi-zuki is what
1. Morote- uke is what

2. Carl Douglas wrote and sang what
3. a tatami is what
1. Don't know

2. Everybody is Kung Fu Fighting!

3. A straw mat. That might be the first word I learned in the arts.