And The Answer Is

1. Fire

2. George Cofield
3. I'll defer to clfsean on this answer (my old records/notes had Hsing-i listed but I am most likely incorrect)

3 - Nah I'm sure your notes are correct for the time that they were put together. But with everything, as research increases, somethings change. With the Yueh Fei legend attached to Xingyi, it could post as far as a the Southern Song Dynasty, but that's accepted almost across the board as legend. It's liked, but readily accepted like Paul Bunyon, Pecos Bill & John Henry.
1. tofu is made from what

2. recognized as the French karate champion in 1968
3. name 2 of the oldest written records that account for the beginnings of Japanese history
1. tofu is made from what - Soy

2. recognized as the French karate champion in 1968 - Don't know
3. name 2 of the oldest written records that account for the beginnings of Japanese history - I know this is incorrect, but the oldest Japanese work I'm familiar with is the Tale of Genji, which is not a historical book as much as it's an early soap opera. :D
No idea about the Japanese writings.

Dominick Valara I think is the French Karate man.

Tofu is combination made from gelatinous snot and and old Jimmy Carter campaign posters.
1. tofu is made from what

2. recognized as the French karate champion in 1968
3. name 2 of the oldest written records that account for the beginnings of Japanese history
1. soy

2. Jean Pierre Lavorato
3. The Koji-ki and the Nihongi ( I did like Steve's answer)
1. nickname of wrestler Jimmy Snuka

2. Chien-shu is what
3. Mae-geri is what
1 - "Superfly" (bring on flashbacks to cheesy '70's blacksploitation films...)
2 - I dunno... But Dr Shu Chien was a pioneer in cardiology... A lot of the diagnostic testing done today is based on his work.
3 - One of several varieties of front kick.
1. nickname of wrestler Jimmy Snuka

2. Chien-shu is what
3. Mae-geri is what

1 -- Superfly

2 -- It could be a bad transliteration of either Jian-shu (sword practice/play) or Quan-shu (fist practice/play). It'd need to see the character. Or it could be Fujianese pronunciation of Jian-shu maybe.

3 -- Front kick?
famous pro wrestler that was a former marine
2. founder of the" West Coast Demo team"
3. Black Belt 1983 Judo instructor of the year
1. author of "Techniques of Okinawan Shorin-ryu"

2.Bahl is what
3. winner of Mas Oyama's World Kyokushinkai Karate Championships in 1970 and 1973
1. winner of the 4th All Japan Karate-do Open Tournament

2. Okinawan brass knuckles are called
3. first American to achieve 5th degree black belt in Judo
I don't know any of those answers. But the Okinawan brass knuckle question sure has me fascinated.

I'm imagining a fast reverse punch to my ribs with them suckers. Not a happy thought.