An Artist


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
As an Artist of varied mediums.. I sit and create a world .. utilizing tools I have learned along various avenues .. I have the ablity to take clay.. from the raw form.. my fingers forming it to what my minds eye feels in it.. creating a sculpture. I can take a blank piece of canvas.. a few strokes of the brush and a painting appears. I can manipulate my mouse and the pixels form something that only I created.. Who taught me this? Many talented people in my life have given me various tools to do this.. They gave me the basics.. the 'how-to's' what I did beyond learning the techniques of creating art.. was to practice.. and allow myself to grow in my own arena..
Kenpo, to me.. another Art form.. Our Instructors give us the material ..and then we practice it until it becomes part of each of us.. You can't look at a painting and say.. what's right or wrong with it.. you can only interpret it.. same with Kenpo.. Interpretation is in the eye of the beholder.. Kenpo was created to evolve with time and situation so I understand.. let it evolve.. if you're not pleased with someone's interpetration.. turn away.. if you think another's work is better.. fine.. so be it.. In turn.. delve deeper into how we as Kenpoists can better ourselves.

Any Art form needs an audience...

just some thoughts..

with all my respect..

Tess and I and many others out there in KenpoLand feel the same way you do. I don't think many people now how to express it.
For a time individuals only learn by being a copycat of motion. Is there anything wrong with that......absolutely not. To find the Art in Kenpo you must first find the basics, have them taught to you in a logical manner. Then put them togeter to form your individual style......or art form. Music is also an excellent art form. Some peoples Kenpo is like Bach or Bethoven.......(mine I think is more like Drowning Pool)......:D.
Back to the point..........I agree. It should not be looked down on because of evolution. Kenpo is here to stay........NO it is here to CHANGE.

Originally posted by AvPKenpo and I and many others out there in KenpoLand feel the same way you do. I don't think many people now how to express it.
For a time individuals only learn by being a copycat of motion. Is there anything wrong with that......absolutely not. To find the Art in Kenpo you must first find the basics, have them taught to you in a logical manner. Then put them togeter to form your individual style......or art form. Music is also an excellent art form. Some peoples Kenpo is like Bach or Bethoven.......(mine I think is more like Drowning Pool)......:D.
Back to the point..........I agree. It should not be looked down on because of evolution. Kenpo is here to stay........NO it is here to CHANGE.


Thank you Michael,

Since I am, shall I say.. a jr. high schooler in Kenpo.. I am looking for more answers to more involved questions.. I'm at the stage where I seek from the Seniors, delving into their knowledge soaking up from all that I can. Now I am thinking on my own, my confidence growing from the inside out.. Kenpo to me is Retro Swing.. it's roots began.. it's growing.. branching out, encompassing those that will probably, hopefully never have to actually use it in a real confrontation. The beat is the same as it once was.. yet with a sharper- honed edge.
The ability to think and modify a tec to yourself, to your opponent as a defense.. adding or subtracting.. it always equals the equation.
It's not a matter of defining an art.. but respecting it, that is part of who we are as Kenpoists.


Tess, with some of the inkiness that I've been seeing on here lately this was absolutely what I needed to see. I love it and you put down so well. Hopefully others will take your lead and follow.

*S* thank you all.. It's a difficult walk we 'young' kenpoists are undertaking.. and when we have but our Teachers to guide us.. we need to know they are behind us when we falter.. and even though we've been taught to fall properly.. it's always a good feeling to be caught in 'arms' we trust.

'when there's dissention amongst Parental units.. the kids should not be involved.. ' So I suggest we, kids.. go to our rooms and practice our forms til all is safe on the 'home front'.. *w*

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