Fair enough. And for the record, I am an EX-Tracy guy, meaning I came to the conclusion that it is not a good method for me, personally, even tho a lot of others feel it's pretty great. So I do not train in it anymore.
My knowledge of other branches of Kenpo is limited to years of discussions here and on the sister site, kenpotalk.com, and videos on YouTube and such, and reading mr. Parkers infinite insights series.. What I've gleaned from those sources leaves me likewise unimpressed, with no interest in pursuing Kenpo of any flavor. As I said in an earlier post, we make that decision for ourselves, and something we dislike might work very well for others, so this is a personal decision to make.
The debate over what the Tracy's did vs what mr. Parker did goes back and forth. Everyone makes the argument one way or the other, typically in a manner to bolster what they themselves are doing. It is far from objective and is typically not a fruitful discussion, so I'll just caution you against starting those kinds of debates