American Kenpo in action...



If anyone has some links of fancy Kenpo handwork id really love to download it and watch it. I just love watchin kenpo in action... thanks...
As a brother already said, the WWW.AKKI.COM site sports some great videos on line... OR
look under the products section... there are a lot of Kenpo video clips (past and present) that Mr. Paul Mills has put on DVD, along with some pretty cool music.
Check it out!

Your Brother
Originally posted by Brother John

As a brother already said, the WWW.AKKI.COM site sports some great videos on line... OR
look under the products section... there are a lot of Kenpo video clips (past and present) that Mr. Paul Mills has put on DVD, along with some pretty cool music.
Check it out!

Your Brother

Brother John is referring to what we affectionately call "Paul Mills Greatest Hits"

Mr Mills asked us 'When you hit, or get hit, do you feel the Touch of the Tiger or the Heat of the Dragon?"

Brother John,

I went to the AKKI site and didn't see any compilation videos or DVDs for sale? Is this coming soon, or do you have a specific url??

I've heard good things about the AKKI theme music and since I love to train to music, I've been checking the site occassionally to see if it was for sale. Any pointers would be appreciated.

Originally posted by warriorsage

Brother John,

I went to the AKKI site and didn't see any compilation videos or DVDs for sale? Is this coming soon, or do you have a specific url??

I've heard good things about the AKKI theme music and since I love to train to music, I've been checking the site occassionally to see if it was for sale. Any pointers would be appreciated.



There are a couple of video clip compilations available, but I don't think the DVD has been released yet. Bear in mind that I'm way over here in England and sometimes I'm not first with the news.

To find out for sure e-mail AKKI Headquarters and ask the boss.
You'll find the address on the front page of the AKKI website

Yeah, those clips are pretty cool. (poor guys)
My instructor, Roger Taylor, says that it's kindof a strange honor/mixed-blessing to get wailed on by Mr. Mills (his instructor). He says that though it hurts like crazy, he has gained a really good understanding on using the hips and legs... because when Mr. Mills is slammin on you and you are bent over (invariably) his hips, legs and feet are all you can see.:hammer:

Seeing Mr. Mills in motion in person is better. Some of those clips miss a frame or two of Mr. Mills motion as the video camera can't really catch all of it.

Your Brother
Originally posted by Brother John

Yeah, those clips are pretty cool. (poor guys)

I'm right in thinking (ping Les the AKKI representative...) that those were genuine knock downs rather than dummying aren't I?

The pain looked pretty real to me, if not those guys should be in Hollywood!

Originally posted by satans.barber

I'm right in thinking (ping Les the AKKI representative...) that those were genuine knock downs rather than dummying aren't I?

The pain looked pretty real to me, if not those guys should be in Hollywood!


As I understand it the clips were done after a lot of preparation, with a doctor present.

Personally, I never volunteer to be one of Mr Mills' "Lab Rats" as I am too old, small, and fragile :) Not to mention too smart.

The pain looked pretty real to me, if not those guys should be in Hollywood!
Yea, haha! It looked like he hit them pretty hard, he (Mills) seems to generate alot of power with only minimal movement. Very impressive (if it ain`t hollywood:D )
IF it is like 'Hollywood'...
it's like all of Hollywood, being dropped from 10,000feet, right down on you!


your Brother (the sky is falling)
I've been on the receiving end of a few of Mr Mills' "taps" as I like to call them, and I can tell you that there is no Hollywood involved. Just a mass explosion of crippling pain. The vids are for real, take it from someone who's been there in the "House of Pain" and been knocked out by them.
IF it is like 'Hollywood'...
it's like all of Hollywood, being dropped from 10,000feet, right down on you!

your Brother (the sky is falling)

:D Ain't that the truth. My favorite is when he says,"I'm not really hitting him." :shrug:

You kinda laugh and think yeah right, but deep down you know that he's not lying. It's one of those things that's scary as heck, yet at the same time your thinking, "that's so cool."
Mr. Mills can doll out the pain and damage... NO DOUBT!!!!
But, what I am really amazed at is that he has an innate sense of how hard he can strike without doing damage.... and goes right up to, but not over, that line. THAT is the 'difference of the dragon' I think.

Your Brother

PS: After you do "feel the heat of the Dragon", it's best to use the cool of the compress.
This clip is pretty cool.
it should be listed as
Werbeclip für ein Kenpovideo
and I think it is "from the website of"
Master Martin Weehler
but I don't speak German. Or read it. :)
from 09.11.01
Looks pretty cool to me.

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