American hating Brits for oil spill?

I don't think I quite understand what you mean though when you say about Obama taking care of things, which do you mean the oil spill or the fact it looks like he's blaming the UK?

I think what he means is that from the perspective of some of the American public they expect their president to go one better than Canute and turn back the tide of oil heading for their shores.

I'm also not sure why you think I should look in the mirror and think I'm behind.....what exactly?

He means the car in the garage, Tez i.e. that all of us are 'to blame' in the sense that we all demand the fuel to make our engines run.
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I don't think I quite understand what you mean though when you say about Obama taking care of things, which do you mean the oil spill or the fact it looks like he's blaming the UK?{/quote]

I think what he means is that from the perspective of some of the American public they expect their president to go one better than Canute and turn back the tide of oil heading for their shores.

He means the car in the garage, Tez i.e. that all of us are 'to blame' in the sense that we all demand the fuel to make our engines run.

Not me chief, I don't drive or own a car lol! Yeah I know that's splitting hairs.

The story of Canute is often told the wrong way round, he wasn't trying to hold back the waves , he was demonstrating to his nobles that he couldn't hold them back! It was a lesson to those who were brown nosing him and said he was all powerful. A lesson perhaps not learned by all?
Aye, I know :D. That's why I said "go one better".

One thing I have often meant to do is try and trace how and why it is that the story of Canute has come down to us over the centuries. He was a magnificent king and it is odd that the only 'common knowledge' story about him is the one about failing to turn back the tide {and even that one is usually used in the wrong context, as you noted}.
Aye, I know :D. That's why I said "go one better".

One thing I have often meant to do is try and trace how and why it is that the story of Canute has come down to us over the centuries. He was a magnificent king and it is odd that the only 'common knowledge' story about him is the one about failing to turn back the tide {and even that one is usually used in the wrong context, as you noted}.

It may well not be a true story but it's still a good lesson.

I'm always amazed by the way history remembers our leaders (perhaps another lesson to our current ones lol) Richard the Lionheart is seen as a hero but was one of the worst kings we've ever had while his brother John is vilified but made a much better fist of things. Guess it depends on your spin doctor!
There's been a lot of talk here about the 'hate' that Americans are throwing our way over the BP oil spill. There's been numerous media focus on the 'hate', it didn't help when the President said he would have sacked the CEO of BP implying that our government should have but people do realise that BP is a multi national company not owned by Britain don't they? It has it's main headquaters in the UK but isn't owned by the British.

"Earlier this week Democratic congressman Anthony Weiner showed how little respect many on Capitol Hill have for BP. He told TV viewers that the company was essentially lying about the disaster: "Whenever you hear someone with a British accent talking about this on behalf of British Petroleum they are not telling you the truth. That's the bottom-line," Weiner said."

Er thanks mate. Buts there's plenty more in this vein.

You do realise too that Amoco an American company amalgamated with BP in the 90s? As I said we don't own the company though there's obviously British shareholders as well as other nationalities. Blame the company, blame their bosses but please the British public haven't done wrong in this instance!

As JKS said in his first post, I too, have only heard negativity aimed at the company. As for my feelings...its the companies fault. I dont harbor ill feelings towards British people, just the careless actions of the company. Wouldn't matter if it was a US company, Russian, or one from Japan....doesnt matter to me who the people are. Again, its the poor planning. I mean, why would anyone drill in water that deep, and not have plans in effect, should something happen?

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