Tez, just want to point out that from what I've read, the family spent over a million dollars, but not all on PR. They hired a local PR firm to help bring attention to their daughter's situation and to help them avoid doing anything that would unintentionally harm her case in Italy. It was, in my opinion, a pretty smart thing to do. And in retrospect, helping to make sure that she wasn't vilified in the press seems to have had a positive effect on the trial. I'm not sure what parent would do otherwise.
But a lot of the money the spent was on maintaining an apartment in Perugia, flying back and forth and to hire legal counsel. And they got the million dollars, by all accounts I've seen, by piling up debt to their eyeballs.
Again, to the original point I was making, it's interesting that to you the family is "rich". You've referred to them as rich several times. From where I'm at, they're a family much like mine. I'm not poor. In fact, I'd say I'm doing pretty well. But I wouldn't characterize myself as rich. That's the way that they've been painted in the British media, it seems, but I don't think that's the case. Based on what I've read, the mom's family is squarely in the middle, while the dad might be eking toward the upper-middle income.
I think the next step is that people are going to presume the worst when Amanda sells the rights to the book or movie or what have you. But again, from where I'm at, I think it's about the only way that family will climb out from under the massive cost of an international legal battle.