Don Roley said:
Stop right there with your pontificating about how you want to make their lives better. You have contridicted yourself again. You have openly questioned why one person should be born with more wealth and advantage than another. Now you are saying that you would not prevent me giving my kids my wealth- you are trying to say that by taking away from my kids you can make a better life for them. That is why you have to take away my money from them.
For their own good. For the greater good.
Bovine Feces.
You are relatively new to the "McRobertson experience", but the idea that he throws around his 'intellectual currency' (can you say scholar gentry?) as frivolously as a newly wealthy Rap Star 'flashing his bling bling' lends a little inconsistency to his 'capitolistic corruption' argument and LOADS of credibility to our 'people are people' argument....
If he was truly the marxist poster child, he wouldn't be lecturing and pontificating
(from the keyboard of his corruptly funded educational institution computer that is connected by a high speed internet connection that he isn't paying for, but is being paid to have access to)
as much as educating and sharing his obviously inequitable, unevenly distributed educational opportunities
(according to his own theories, but I think we all had the choice to go or not go to higher levels that he has hinted at completing)
...but then he is promoting more of the communistic/Leninistic view that lead to the assassination of Ivan Trotsky -by his own state enforced equal brothers of the communisit revolution.
But hey, if his directive
(Read this, read that!)
tone and his sneering commentary
(your idea is laughable...)
are completely in keeping with his Orwellian, 1984 image of the world that he accuses the USA to be moving toward....then I am relieved that when the workers of the world unite, he
(along with the rest of the Intellectual Elite)
will be ousted from a position of power and put behind a shovel to labor with the rest of 'us."
Even with him on my ignore list, his quotes come through to haunt me.
Education does not automatically indicate intelligence. It might indicate opportunity and TONS of college loan debt though

. Intelligence is not the only piece in the "respect your elders" puzzle either. There is bearing and conduct, there is respectful behavior and a demonstrative sensitivity to the people around you (which doesn't mean that you have to be nicey nice all the time, but you should pick your battles instead of just picking on people).
I feel like I have had educational sand kicked in my face by an academiac bully....