I understand that you reject such arguments, Don.
However, what you're offering is rejection; denial; you may call it, "presentation of the OBJECTIVE conditions," all you like (funnily enough, that's precisely what Stalinists were wont to do), and it will still not suddenly elevate your version into the Received Truth.
The recitation of, "objective," and the foot-stamping insistence that you and only you have a lock on Truth, that you and only you respect other people's individuality, that you and only you...well, you take my point, is precisely why I mentioned Ayn Rand's quasi-fascist books. Sure, sure, I know, if I'd only really read them (I have, except for John Galt's 200+ page incoherent rant in "Atlas Shrugged," which I am convinced nobody has actually read, nor should they), and I'd just stop vilifying--i.e. repeat your approved Party line--I would See the Light.
As for the claim of mere, "appeal to authority," well, axly Don, that would involve an appeal to one authority or text, and an insistence that that Authority be accepted without question. See Vincent Ryan Ruggiero, "Beyond Feelings: A Guide to Critical Thinking," Seventh Edition, Boston: McGraw/Hill, 2004, especially page 121: "A rational appeal to authority says, "Here is what one or more authorites say," and proceeds to shyow why that appeal should be accepted. An irrational appeal to authority says, "Here is what one or more authorities say, accept it unquestioningly."
If you will read what I wrote, you will-or should not that I referred to John Stuart Mill, Jefferson/Hamilton (as having different views on the topic of this thread), the Preamble and 14th Amendment, and the extended history of case law and Supreme Court decisions on the question of equal protection under the law.
If you will actually read what I wrote, you will find that I typically phrase statements in something other than dogmatic terms; for example, writing of the notion that the rich are rich because they're superior, I say, "this is a marginally-justifiable argument with, say, a Richard Branson or a Bill Gates...{but it} is extremely hard to apply to the likes of Dan Quayle, or our current president, or all sorts of Kennedys and Rockefellers." Then, I ask questions--and if ya don't like me argument, well, provide facts to refute it.
If you will read what I wrote, furthermore, you will find that all those books I cite (sorry--footnoting's a habit, as it is with most of us scholarly types: that is the way we're trained) represent a pretty borad range of political and intellectual viewpoints. This is hardly the same thing as demanding that everyone accept my version of reality and general theory, and throwing various accusations, slurs and innuendoes at anybody who doesn't agree. Perhaps somewhere Allan Bloom and E.P. Thompson are dancing check to cheek, but I doubt it.
So, Don, don't try to teach your grandma how to suck eggs.
As for Ayn Rand, well, I stand by what I wrote. Her fundamental doctrines, expressed in her goofball novels, revolve around the idea that a Few Men Are Superior (curiously enough, these Few are pretty much explicity Aryan types...imagine MY surprise), the the Masses need to get out of their way, and that All Independent Women are looking to get beat up and raped in a bathroom.
As for What To Do About Capitalism--pretty much, I think that in these times we're stuck with, "Visualize Whirled Peas," "Practice Random Acts," and "Jesus Is Returning Soon--Everybody Look Busy."