Almost a Perfect Day

Well, our sky is pure blue, not too cold about 27° down from 33° and we are snow covered in about a foot. Would be a perfect day in Minnesota though, except I am too sore from shoveling. (in lieu of pushups this week) TW
Another 80 degree almost no humidity, and a slight breeze day here. :D :lol: ;)
Rich Parsons said:
Another 80 degree almost no humidity, and a slight breeze day here. :D :lol: ;)

*wishes she could put Rich Parsons on her ignore list :p
Lisa said:
*wishes she could put Rich Parsons on her ignore list :p

Lisa I am really feeling the love from you these last couple of weeks. ;) :p :D :lol:
Rich Parsons said:
Lisa I am really feeling the love from you these last couple of weeks. ;) :p :D :lol:
heh heh...just keep posting about your lovely 80 degree days and I will continue to send you the love, Rich ;) :p :D :lol:
Rich Parsons said:
I got my Motorcycle out today and took it for a ride. :D

I got my Convertible out and started getting it ready for the warmer weather. :p

I also swept and washed out the garage today to get the salt and dirt from the winter out of it.

I am almost all set up for summer time riding and cruis'in.

Just had to share! ;) :lol: :rofl:

Rich I'm jealeas when you have time can you come over and take care of all my little things, I'm just to busy with writing here on MT to get the garage cleaned out for summer plus I need to Backyard and grill taken care of, what do you say.
terryl965 said:
Rich I'm jealeas when you have time can you come over and take care of all my little things, I'm just to busy with writing here on MT to get the garage cleaned out for summer plus I need to Backyard and grill taken care of, what do you say.

Nope, Sorry it would not be prudent. ;)

When I get home I should clean up my back yard, assuming the snow and ice we got while I was gone has melted. :) :D ;)
It's been blizzarding here for a couple of days, lots of blowing snow, slippery roads, etc. I'd hold off on any roadtrips with the bike to Moose Jaw, Rich.
Tomorrow will be an almost perfect day...

I have the day off work....
The house to myself....
and it will be in the high 60's tomorrow

finally I can contribute more then my usual "I hate you" remarks at Rich :D
Lisa said:
Tomorrow will be an almost perfect day...

I have the day off work....
The house to myself....
and it will be in the high 60's tomorrow

finally I can contribute more then my usual "I hate you" remarks at Rich :D

Well it was wramer today but still jacket required.

I almost got my bike, out but got business with other chores. :(

I hope it is nice tomorrow I could use a real nice sunny day.
I woke up with frost on my car yesterday. I'd have to say (merging 2 threads here) that I get spring fever somewhere in the middle of winter. If you're thinking that I really don't like winter, you are CORRECT!!!
tkdgirl said:
I woke up with frost on my car yesterday. I'd have to say (merging 2 threads here) that I get spring fever somewhere in the middle of winter. If you're thinking that I really don't like winter, you are CORRECT!!!

This is why we it's important to stay focused on what's really important in life...

Such as a bunny with a pancake on its head. :uhyeah:

What's a little frost compared to that! :wink: :p
I have some of the windows in my house open today, first time this year :)
IT IS...IT IS A PERFECT DAY! It's 72° and it was so nice and sunny I decided to skip TKD at noon and prune my bushes and well, decimate my evergreen scrubs when I found out what poor condition they were in. Now I have to go back and cut it all up in pieces. Alot of work but its great to be outdoors! TW