Almost a Perfect Day

Lisa said:
Well you still deserve a :whip:

but, I think, maybe I can forgive you...only if your bad weather lasts a few days. :D

Did I tell you that it down poured last night as I was leaving a bar with some friends?

Got soaked and all were drenched.
Gemini said:
hmph! Save the "rub in" for your suntan lotion. :)

Yes, Lisa and Georgia. It's going to be back to sleet and snow by Thursday. :shrug: WOOT!!!

I gotta go check on my job apps in Vegas. I'm determined to be out of here before fall.

On a philisophical note. Is pardise still paradise when it becomes the norm?...I'll letcha know. mwahahaha.

That is Michigan. While riding a Snowmobile, becarefule for at any moment it can turn into a jet ski. Or you may have to stop for a day and get out the bike, or quad, and then go back to the snow sled. It is always changing. :(

But I guess that profile test I took at work that said I like Change, also means I get along with Michigan and the software industry as neither are stable for more than a few minutes. :D ;)
Rich Parsons said:
Did I tell you that it down poured last night as I was leaving a bar with some friends?

Got soaked and all were drenched.

:sadsong: awwww...poor Rich...:rolleyes:

But thanks for trying to make me "feel better" and I "LOVE" you too! :p

Sarah said:
aaww can you feel the love.. :)

Yes, I can. Wiht both of you having Avatars that have lots of teeth showing, I feel all the love I could ever want. :D ;) :lol:
Lisa said:
Wow, and just the other day I was thinking to myself..."gee, that TKDgirl sure is nice" well NOT ANY MORE! :p ;) :D

I'm still nice, but I never did mention the fact I have a mean streak, did I... It's just I really am not too fond of winter, and March isn't over yet. Who knows- 2 weeks from now, there might be a blizzard!
Rich Parsons said:
You put the Grrr into Girl baby. :D ;) :p

Now THAT is a pick up line! I bet you're getting PM'd to death for your phone # as we speak! :rofl:
tkdgirl said:
I'm still nice, but I never did mention the fact I have a mean streak, did I... It's just I really am not too fond of winter, and March isn't over yet. Who knows- 2 weeks from now, there might be a blizzard!

Just what I said, but you have to be at least so-so about winter here in M'sota in regards to being fond of it. I wake up this morning to a blizzard. Five inches of snow and still coming, and my hubby and son are in S. Florida enjoying the 80's and the beach. School is cancelled so our dojang is closed as well, so no noon TKD. I can't run that huge hunking snowblower either. And I got to get out. Sigh! But, but.... I was just walking my dogs nearly coatless, and there were robins everywhere just two days ago. Off to shoveling I go...well maybe another cup of coffee! TW
TigerWoman said:
Just what I said, but you have to be at least so-so about winter here in M'sota in regards to being fond of it. I wake up this morning to a blizzard. Five inches of snow and still coming, and my hubby and son are in S. Florida enjoying the 80's and the beach. School is cancelled so our dojang is closed as well, so no noon TKD. I can't run that huge hunking snowblower either. And I got to get out. Sigh! But, but.... I was just walking my dogs nearly coatless, and there were robins everywhere just two days ago. Off to shoveling I go...well maybe another cup of coffee! TW

I'll be helping you in spirit, at least. What I don't like about it is being stuck inside, no electricity at times, and missing class! At least I like reading books, other wise I would be in the psych. ward by now.
Gemini said:
Now THAT is a pick up line! I bet you're getting PM'd to death for your phone # as we speak! :rofl:

I did get more than one positive rep comment, from our female members. ;)
We had another one of those in the 60's and sunny here in Atlanta!
We did have one week when the temp went down to 38.
No place like home Dorthy!

Bob Quinn
I don't think I'm going to have a perfect day tomorrow. Maybe I should have started a woe is me thread...

I shoveled the drive 6" on Monday including the dump of 3 ft from the street. It was heavy wet snow which I had to carry to the sides to dump each time and tap it to get off my shovel, 3 hrs. worth. My shoulders and arms recovered, but my forearms are still sore. And I have taught two classes of punching and kicking in between. But is like I can't grab anything and hold on. So, to add fuel to the fire, or snow to the snow (with my husband and 19 yr. old son gone to Florida) the forecasters are certain (can they be wrong???) that S. Minnesota is going to get about 10-11" of snow starting at 11pm. and we're in the center of that.

I don't think I will be going to my 8am kickboxing class, nor anywhere else, since I will be too sore to do pottery class in the evening as well. Woe is me! BigNick! BigNick, if I make you a great dinner with the dessert of your choice, will you run my snowblower? Its just a little drive..... ;)

<goes away mumbling gotta figure out that machine....>TW
TigerWoman said:
I don't think I'm going to have a perfect day tomorrow. Maybe I should have started a woe is me thread...

I shoveled the drive 6" on Monday including the dump of 3 ft from the street. It was heavy wet snow which I had to carry to the sides to dump each time and tap it to get off my shovel, 3 hrs. worth. My shoulders and arms recovered, but my forearms are still sore. And I have taught two classes of punching and kicking in between. But is like I can't grab anything and hold on. So, to add fuel to the fire, or snow to the snow (with my husband and 19 yr. old son gone to Florida) the forecasters are certain (can they be wrong???) that S. Minnesota is going to get about 10-11" of snow starting at 11pm. and we're in the center of that.

I don't think I will be going to my 8am kickboxing class, nor anywhere else, since I will be too sore to do pottery class in the evening as well. Woe is me! BigNick! BigNick, if I make you a great dinner with the dessert of your choice, will you run my snowblower? Its just a little drive..... ;)

<goes away mumbling gotta figure out that machine....>TW

At least you do not have my problems. High 70's low 80's here in Florida and just spending time reading, and enjoying.

It such a horrible time, I know no one would want to share it with me, or enjoy it on their own. ;)
Rich Parsons said:
At least you do not have my problems. High 70's low 80's here in Florida and just spending time reading, and enjoying.

It such a horrible time, I know no one would want to share it with me, or enjoy it on their own. ;)

ARRRHKK! You are in Florida TOO???? This cannot be! Methinks I should have escaped too, even with my dogs because hardly anyone has shown up for kickboxing this week anyway. Dogs attack that man.....that one relaxing and reading. Is that a margarita??!!! Ninja attack! No,NO not kisses, Ninja attack! :ninja: No, not MY fingers...he really is biting my fingers as I try to type! Sigh! TW
A perfect day, not...

It is still coming down, down... and I didn't get out to my 8am kickboxing class. Not a creature is stirring out there. Schools are cancelled. Dojang included. I shouldn't be here, I should be in Florida too. TW
Tomorrow isn't going to be as nice as it was the past week- low 40's with rain/ snow showers... I know- it's nothing compared to those further up north, and I'll be able to go out and about. UGGH! March!!