Nice Motorcycle riding - Do not try this at home

Rich Parsons

A Student of Martial Arts
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
I got the following in an e-mail. I watched it and enjoyed the trick riding. I thought I would share.

This 8-minute video shows Christian Pheiffer doing things I never
imagined were possible on motorcycles. He does wheelies with the bike straight
up in the air, does tricks with only the front wheel on the ground, climbs
forward and sits in front of the handlebars, then rides a wheelie. He
switches to a dirt bike and does some incredible stuff, then gets on a
bike that's had the entire front wheel assembly removed - it's the frame,
seat, rear wheel and handlebars only - and rides it better than most people
can ride a complete bike.
arnisador said:
Don't do it! But if you do, leave me your stereo system in your will.

You may have the stereo system. I request dibs on his MA weapons!

- Ceicei
There is a team here in Cleveland that holds a ton of rallies like that one in town. I went to one they are pretty amazing. The riders are actually from Akron and they are called the Star Boyz. It's pretty cool, but I am glad I have no desire to try it.
OULobo said:
There is a team here in Cleveland that holds a ton of rallies like that one in town. I went to one they are pretty amazing. The riders are actually from Akron and they are called the Star Boyz. It's pretty cool, but I am glad I have no desire to try it.

The star boys suck these days. . .there's some fellas from the Bay making movies called "Servin' it Up." If you like the FTP, you'll like SIU.
OULobo said:
I'd rather keep my money (and joint function) and watch someone else be cool.

I didn't do it to be cool. . .Just because, well, after you get good at dragging a knee. . .what else you going to do with a bike?
Plus the titanium plate in my leg only bothers me during the winter. . .but that's only because some 17 year old chick with a temp. license cut a corner on the 128. . .cost me my new race-bike and my street bike. . .then I had to buy another. . .gotta kill myself somehow, I was counting on George Bush number Deux to handle that; but he's pretty much incapable of anything worth doing. ;)

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