Senior Master
No I am not a judo guy. I have some judo stuff incorporated into my current combatives stuff but I would never profess to even be a white belt in judo.We're going to have to respectfully disagree. Question, which I don't intend as an attack. Have you ever practiced what I'd call Gentleman Judo? Judo for the practice, the learning, not for competition? Just curious, as your thoughts are very similar to aikido folks I've talked with in the past who haven't done judo not spun into the competitive arena.
And, you've very well described why quite a few people in the world do not even consider Tomiki-ryu Aikido aikido at all. Even though Tomiki was granted the first menkyo by O-Sensei around 1940 or so.
I like your physics metaphor of the ball, it's way better than the one I was trying to use to convey the concept to Drop Bear in another thread.
There are a couple things that judo people do that most aikido people don't do, I agree with that. Pull and lift. However, that does not mean that for certain actions in aikido, there's not a crossover from judo that doesn't do the exact same thing. In my mind, it's like those pictures used in math, where they are talking about "sets," in which sometimes there is an overlap of the one set with the other set.
Consider two circles, one colored red, the other colored blue. They are apart, and do not have any portions which are "in" the other one. But, if you overlap them a bit, or a lot (just not completely) you'd have a crescent of red, a middle area of maybe purple, and then an opposing crescent of blue. In the middle area are techniques which are/could be both aikido technically correct as well as judo technically correct. In other words, not all judo techniques use either lift or pull. Some do, and those would not work even under Tomiki "rules" for aikido, he' call those judo. But, you can't even do those throws from out at aikido distance, so it ends up being back to distance between tori/nage and uke.
I actually agree with you and like the overlap circle idea. My point was that the statement "all styles should do hip throws" is overboard. They can if they want but whether they should or shouldn't is a matter of purpose of training and if it fits the philosophy of the style.