I don't think I was clear.
If a guy takes a swing at you.... as an adult... he's probably swung at people before because that's how that person has learned (so to speak) to solve his problems with other people. So, having swung at lots of people before, he's engaged in a it of live-fire training in getting your butt kicked or, alternatively if he found he was naturally good at it, kicking people's butts. So, not a rank, totally "untrained" individual at all.
As compared with these two someones:
A) Never got in a fight, never did any training... then ended up having the worse day of his life and ends up going all Michael Douglas (reference to the film Falling Down) on you, coming out of nowhere.... this guy is completely "untrained;" or
B) One of us who gets in the dojo/gym regularly and does this stuff for fun. Trained. Well, the efficacy of the training is a hot button issue, but I'm sure you see what I'm driving at.
The guy at the top of this reply is the one who "gets into fights" more than either A or B. Definitely was during my 5 year stint at the door. Coming in as a newbie, never having done it before, our old hand, Leon, would point out the troublemakers to keep an eye on from their past history.
Sure enough, 4 out of 5 situations... there was one of those kinds of guys.