This is an interesting question. Aikido to me is designed for chaos. Here's what I mean by that. Aikido only works with a committed attack. Aikido practitioners ALWAYS, ALWAYS assume there are multiple attackers. That whoever is attacking has at least one friend if not more. We also ALWAYS assume that they have a weapon. We assume we are in, as one high ranking Sensei told me once, a "gang war".....
Aikido does not work well with one on one sparring/competition. If someone will not commit to an attack, I simply back up and won't even engage with them. If someone just jabs and tries to throw probing attacks, I simply back up and leave...I won't even try to do anything, not until they try to grab, rush, or step into an attack, otherwise it's not worth doing anything.
I've seen Aikido used 3 times in real life, all before I was even studying Aikido, and all with brutal effectiveness. I honestly didn't even know what it was until I started studying Aikido years ago, and went...ahhhh, that's what that was.
1. I was in the US Navy and was at a party, some guy was making out with a girl, when the girls boyfriend showed up...the first guy backed up, saying he didn't know she had a boyfriend, and he didn't want to fight....the boyfriend launched a punch at his face. All I saw was a blur, and the boyfriend hit the wall with his head down, and fall to the floor on his neck and head....not sure how hurt he was, but it was over like that. I know now, that he executed a tsuki kaitenage....
2. I was in a seedy bar with some friends, just after getting out of the Navy. We were playing pool, and a couple of tables over, there were some guys in their early 30's playing pool and hanging out. There were some older biker dudes there, and one of them was getting pretty drunk, he came over to the other guys tables and started making fun of them. They asked him to of them was pretty cocky and called him basically a filthy drunk.....he got pissed....grabbed a pool cue and swung at one of the other ones holding it like a baseball bat...again...flash, and the drunk guy was flying over a bar table knocking the chairs over. He got up, and at this point the bouncers were there and kicking them all out basically. I know now, that he executed an udekimenage on that guy....
3. The last time was a blend of Aikido w some other stuff. Was at a bar hanging out when I saw an argument break idea what it was about, but this rather big guy grabbed a rather skinny younger guy by his shirt collar...bam....the skinny guy hit him with a technique and the guy screamed and dropped, and then he kneed him in the gut, and as the big guy leaned forward, slammed his head into an iron railing. Fight over. Again, bouncers all over it. Now, I was a nikyo into a muy thai type knee strike to the abdomen, into a head slam.
Aikido works well for these types of situations...against another fighter who is trained and won't commit? It won't work well at all.