I have tested a lot of things, the fact that I am not cross training doesn't mean that I don't know any people from other martial arts or combat sports and even though I was successful still it doesn't prove anything other than the fact that I was successful that specific moment with those specific people...
Don't misunderstand the fact that cross training is not my cup of tea, I have exchanged information, techniques and questions with a few people...
Not to mention the fact that I don't need to test it first to know that it's not a good idea to cook my meal using my CD player...
The thing is that a boxer has certain skills, mainly to punch people and to protect his upper body behind his arms and fists. Do you know how many combative skills is Aikido cultivating?? Joint manipulations, projections (what you would call throwing but with different basic principles), means of deflecting strikes and kicks, attemi and Keri waza, weapons, disarming, you name it. Not to mention of course one of the most important aspects, the inner, esoteric part, Ki and Kokyu principles...
To believe that a boxer is invulnerable and the ultimate invincible answer to Aikido just because he is a good punch is at least ridiculous, it would have been funny if it wasn't so tragic!!
At this moment, I feel like a Monty Python skit, where the time comes for Graham Chapman to say "don't you think that conversation has gone a bit silly?"
The "invulnerable boxer" claim has soooooooo hit the brakes for my interest in this!!
I believe I offered whatever I had to offer in the thread for what it's worth, I liked the agreements and disagreements with people that made the conversation constructive, regardless of their point of view.
I wish everyone a happy journey with their martial arts quest and see you guys around in another thread maybe, it's been an honour talking with most of you!