I'm pressed for time so I'll get this one started and flesh it out as we go. What role, if any, do ya'll feel aggression has in aikido. I know, I know, it's the art of harmony. I don't ever expect to reach the spiritual level of Ueshiba or Morita so I don't suspect that I'll ever be able to completely achieve mushin in a combat situation. Therefore it is MHO that a certain level of aggression is needed for me to use technique without freezing. The first step is, after all, entering. Moving into an attacker requires a certain level of bravado if not outright aggression.
Agree? Disagree? Discuss! and feel free to bring friends from other arts 'cause the more input the better.
Agree? Disagree? Discuss! and feel free to bring friends from other arts 'cause the more input the better.