Adapting the basics for other arts?


Brown Belt
Dec 30, 2008
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I've always been interested in the internal aspects of martial arts training. However, I've never had any formal experience with it. My background is in FMA, but to date, I haven't consciously encountered it in my training.

I wanted to know if there was a common practice or concept behind learining how to cultivate it, and apply it to different martial arts.

I don't know, since it is Friday after all and my brain tends to shutdown on Fridays and not quite sure what you are asking.

But I have seen an internal aspect of Sanda even though Sanda claims no internal or Qi training. But then I am not sure I would have noticed it at all if I have not had prior Internal CMA training.

It also may depend on what your definition of internal is.

Simple basic; stay relaxed and get the power from your root to your waist and your waist directs that to wherever you want that power to go.
I don't know if this will help, but one of my peers in the FMAs tells me that the push hands from Tai Chi helps with his Mono-mono. However, I don't have any personal experience to pass on.